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Some gems at ReeFlowers’ booth at Interzoo 2022


ReeFlowers is a Turkish company that is known for the color of the packaging of its great products.

ReeFlowers started its production with chemical additives for aquariums under the name RFL Chemicals. Its catalog now has over 80 items. Having received a great response in Turkey and in the countries in which they started trading, they now want expand their market and this is the second time that they came to Interzoo.

ReeFlowers was born is 2009, so it’s no longer officially a meteor since it has been in business for 13 years! We really like the name they chose, ReefFlowers, which implies the importance the brand gives to corals and also, the word sounds like “reef lovers”!

ReeFlowers’s booth at the Interzoo 2022 in our video

Before you go on, check out our video where you can see the booth in action. Clicking on the link will bring you directly to the part about ReeFlowers, but you can also watch the rest. The video is in Italian, you only have to turn the English subs on! Enjoy!

This year ReeFlowers highlighted their feeds for fish and corals as you can see in the following picture. I have to say it – I love the packages!

It was interesting to see the new LPS & Anemone, a 0.8 mm pellet feed that contains no artificial colors or additives. It’s formulated for the metabolism of anemones and LPS corals. It supports their immune system and speeds up their growth. It’s composed of herring flour, wheat, microproteins, shrimp flour, krill flour, insect flour, wheat gluten, salmon oil, Haematococcus pluvialis – natural source of astaxanthin, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, L-lysine, DL-methionine, Betaine, Beta Glucan, Iron, Iodine, Copper, Manganese, Zinc, L-Cartinina, for a total Energy of 1,954 Kcal.

The same formulation is also available in flakes, LPS & Anemone Flakes, with an energy content that is slightly superior.

Sands and subtrates by ReeFlowers: Iceland Sorrel Lava

ReeFlowers Iceland Sorrel Lava is a 100% natural substrate made from lava rocks. Thanks to the micro channels and pores they have, the rocks provide fertile areas for the bacteria that promotes the nitrogen cycle. This cycle is very important because it contributes significantly to biological filtration, strengthens the roots of the plants and, last but not least, helps to keep the aquarium clean and clear. It doesn’t affect the pH and the gH of the water and it’s suitable for any freshwater aquarium. The grains can be from 1 to 3 mm or from 4 to 7 mm.

ReeFlowers Natural AquaSand

Natural AquaSand is also a completely natural sand. It doesn’t affect gH, kH, or pH. It can be used in any freshwater aquarium, Discus aquariums included. But for some reason ReeFlowers didn’t mention that it can be used in marine aquariums, for which it seems perfect, actually.

Inside Natural Aquasand, as well as in other sands, suitable habitats can be created to complete the nitrogen cycle by nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria, which help to keep the water constantly clean. The preparation of this sand doesn’t include any chemical processes and the sand doesn’t contain any synthetic substances, heavy metals, or toxic substances. It doesn’t cause the formation of algae. The grains of sand, between 0.5 and 1 mm in size, aren’t angular, sharp, or pointed so that they don’t harm fish and aquarium creatures.

ReeFlowers Iceland Black Sand

ReeFlowers Iceland Black Sand is also a completely natural sand. It doesn’t affect gH, kH, or pH. This sand can be used in any freshwater aquarium, but ReeFlowers doesn’t mention anything about marine aquariums. Iceland Black Sand is available in two sizes, from 1 to 2 mm or from 3 to 5 mm.

ReeFlowers Pearl White Sand

ReeFlowers Pearl White Sand is a high calcium content natural sand. It’s high purity and white in color. Thanks to the calcium and the carbonate inside, it tends to stabilize the pH between 8.1 and 8.4. It can be used in marine aquariums, Tanganica Lake aquariums, Malawi/Victoria Lake aquariums, and basically everywhere where a high pH is needed. When ReeFlowers Pearl White Sand is added, part of it dissolves in the water, helping the pH to reach the gap between 8.1 and 8.4.

ReeFlowers says that Pearl White Sand dissolves faster than other sands thanks to its high purity. They say this peculiarity keeps it white longer and improves its ability to fix the hardness of the water. The sand is available, in two sizes, between 0.5 and 1 mm and between 1 and 1.5 mm.


For further information about Reeflowers and its products, visit their official website and the official Italian channel managed by Carmar. We also invite you to watch our videodocumentary about Interzoo 2022.

[Translated by Agnese Poggi]


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