Shrimp Tank Setting Up Guide

Shrimp Tank Setting Up Guide


Shrimps can vary in species from dwarf shrimp to ghost shrimp and so on. Keeping shrimp in tank can be fun but you need to know all the tank requirements for that. These tank inhabitants can live alone as well as with groups of fish. Though when thinking of keeping fish and shrimp together you need to know whether they are friendly when kept in the same aquarium or not. Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about Shrimp Tank setup.

Tank requirements for a Shrimp Tank

Usually, shrimps do not require large tanks, but if you want to keep a lot of shrimps than the tank should be large enough accordingly. If you are going to keep a few shrimps than a 10 gallon tank should be enough but if you want to keep more, then consider getting a larger tank. If you are new in the shrimp keeping sphere than it is recommended to start with a small tank as it won’t require much effort. One of the most important factors in a tank for shrimps is an aquarium cover, as they tend to escape the Shrimp Tank sometimes.

Tank water temperature

The temperature of the water in the aquarium can vary depending on the species of shrimp. There are cold water species as well as species that prefer warmer water. The temperature of the water can have an effect on the breeding of the shrimps as well, so you have to know the correct one that your species require. For instance, cold water shrimp require tank water the temperature of which is somewhere between 54-59 F.

For such warm water species like Tiger, bee or bumblebee shrimp the preferable water temperature is 66-77 F, which is equal to 19-25 C. If you have Amano shrimp, then the water temperature should be set somewhere between 50-86 F (10-30 C). As for tropical cleaner shrimp species the requires tank water temperature is 75-79 F.

Adding substrate in the shrimp tank

Having a tank full of good substrate is essential fro shrimps as they like to dig the substrate and bury themselves, also they like to search for food in the substrate. When choosing a substrate, which can be found in any fish store, choose the one with no chemicals as shrimp are known to be sensitive to chemicals. It is also recommend rinsing the substrate before adding to the tank.

The substrate should cover the whole bottom of the tank. You can leave the front part of the tank flat and open as they like to look for food and partners in an open area. Also, feeding them in the front of the tank will make them more visible for you.

Recommended Substrate: ADA Substrate

Setting up the tank light

Tank light requirements vary depending on the type of the tank. Tanks with plants require whole different light setups then those without any plants.

Best light for tanks is considered to be LED light as these are more comfortable and affordable nowadays.  You can get hold of these light in any fish store or even online. The light needs to be on at least 8 hours per day (in tanks without plants) to avoid too much algae growth.

For tanks with plants you might need more advanced lights. The light choice can depend on the amount of CO2 and fertilizers in the tank. For these types of lights do more research for correct choice.

Filling the tank and setting the filtration

For filling the aquarium with water, you can use a pipe or a bucket. Check the pH level of the water and if it is too high or low add driftwood or some peat to the filter to soften the water.  You need to use a dechlorinator every time you change the water as shrimp are sensitive to the chlorine found in the tap water.

Having a good filtration in the tank is vital for shrimp, as not only it cleans the water but it also creates an atmosphere of their natural inhabitant by providing a water flow.  Choose a good filter that will provide both biological and chemical filtration, for instance you can choose a sponge filter. These are easy to take care of and are cheaper than other filters.  Also, sponge filters do not provide strong water flow which will not disturb the shrimp and there is no danger of baby shrimp being sucked in the filter.

Before bringing the shrimp to the tank, the tank should be cycled which can take several weeks with constant water tests. The light and the heaters need to be added to the tank as well. After cycling the tank for a few weeks you need to check the water levels to ensure that everything is ready for adding shrimp to the tank.

The levels of Nitrite and Ammonia in the water should be 0 ppm. When the level of Nitrite rises you can decrease it by adding plants to the tank or by changing the water. The level of the nitrite should always be kept 0 ppm.

Adding Your Shrimp to the tank

The purchased shrimp should be kept in a bucket and you need to use a tube to slowly add some cycled tank water to the bucket. Suck from the end of the tube to get water flow from the tank and slowly add it to the bucket. Check the the shrimp to see how they react to the water this can take somewhere from half an hour to an hour and half. Then, use a net scoop to carefully take the shrimp out of the bucket and put them in the tank, make sure to cover the scoop as they can jump out of it. It is very important to monitor the shrimp after placing them in the tank for the first time. Make sure to keep the lights turned off and feed them only after 12 hours.

In conclusion for Shrimp Tank

Hopefully, this article was useful for setting up your Shrimp Tank. Just follow the instructions mentioned above and if you are still not sure if you are ready to set it up, do more research. Good luck with your journey of keeping a tank full of shrimp.


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