Severus Snape - South Carolina Aquarium

Severus Snape – South Carolina Aquarium


Loggerhead (Caretta caretta)

Stranding Location: Wellfleet, MA

Arrival Date: 12/11/2018

Age: Juvenile

Weight: 9.7kgs (21 lbs)

Case History

This adorable little loggerhead was originally found on the beach in Wellfleet Massachusetts on November 28, 2018. Snape then was transported to the New England Aquarium to be triaged. Snape’s body temperature was slowly increased and he received fluids, was started on antibiotics and stabilized. After a few weeks, Snape was flown down with 4 other juvenile Loggerhead sea turtles thanks to pilots Chuck Yanke and Mike Lalley from the organization Turtles Fly Too. Turtles Fly Too is a network of private pilots who help transport cold stunned sea turtles to facilities all along the East Coast. Sea Turtle Care Center (STCC) staff met Chuck, Mike, and the turtles at the Mt. Pleasant Regional Airport to finish their transport to the STCC.


WUpon admit, Snape’s body temperature maintained a good temperature of 70F. Vet staff did a physical exam, administered fluids and continued the course of antibiotics. Snape’s right eye had a corneal abrasion so he was continued on eye meds to help it heal up. Snape was then placed in a tank down in the Sea Turtle Hospital with tankmate Albus Dumbledore, a fellow New England cold stun.


December 15th, 2018: Snape was already eating up at New England Aquarium, so it was no surprise to staff when he started to eat immediately. Snape is still receiving antibiotic injections and will receive eye meds for the next week before having another eye exam aquarium vet Dr. Bryan Vorbach.


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