RNN Episode 96 – Take it to the Apex, push it high-tech


Becoming part of the reef, A strange New England Coral, Take it to the Apex, and push it High-Tech. This week Jeremy is loving on his fish and coral & seeing some growth with stabilized Alk. Peter is starting to make some progress with his solar install and has big plans for his system once it is completed, he is also starting to battle some hitchhiker clove polyps before they run rampant. All this and more on Episode 96 of the Reef News Network!


Jeremy– A close friend sent me a video that was right up my alley and really interesting. I had heard about this before but never seen footage of what they are doing down in Florida. Becoming part of a living reef after passing is a pretty epic idea, and the location that is featured is creating their own version of Atlantis. The Neptune Memorial Reef is a manmade structure that combines ashes of the deceased with cement that are placed into this underwater city. The reef is open to the public, allowing loved ones to visit this amazing eternal resting place.

Peter– A ‘Strange’ New England Coral May Hold Secrets To Combating Climate Change. When we think about animals that inhabit the cold New England ocean, sharks, seals, or lobsters may spring to mind. But there’s another critter lurking in the deep off our coast, and it’s one that may hold valuable secrets that could help its tropical cousins.



Main Topic: No matter if you are planning your first system, upgrading to a new or larger or a long-time seasoned veteran, it’s ALWAYS a good time to consider adding a controller and this first episode about controllers we talk about the industry standard APEX by Neptune systems. With over 20 years in the industry APEX is now in its 5th generation of controller and continue to lead the industry with new and innovative products like the Trident auto testing system.

Reef News Network: www.reefnewsnetwork.com


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