Neville Longbottom - South Carolina Aquarium

Neville Longbottom – South Carolina Aquarium


Loggerhead (Caretta caretta)

Stranding Location: Wellfleet, MA

Arrival Date: 12/11/2018

Age: Juvenile

Weight: 119.6kgs (43 lbs)

Case History

Neville Longbottom stranded as a cold stun on a beach in Wellfleet, Massachusetts on December 4, 2018 and was quickly transported to the New England Aquarium (NEAq) to be triaged. Veterinary staff at NEAq did bloodwork, administered fluids and started Neville on a course of antibiotics and slowly increased his body temperature. After about a week, Neville was cleared for transport and was flown down to Charleston with four other juvenile loggerhead sea turtles, thanks to pilots Chuck Yanke and Mike Lalley from the organization Turtles Fly Too. Turtles Fly Too is a network of private pilots who help transport cold stunned sea turtles to facilities all along the east coast. Sea Turtle Care Center (STCC) staff met Chuck, Mike, and the turtles at the Mount Pleasant Regional Airport to finish their transport to the STCC.


Neville did great during his flight down to Charleston, and his body temperature was normal at arrival. Vet staff did a physical exam, administered fluids and continued the course of antibiotics to prevent any secondary infections caused by cold stunning, such as pneumonia (lung infection) or osteomyelitis (bone infection). Neville had an abrasion in the right eye, likely caused by surf or the cold air when he stranded. Our vet staff did another eye exam and decided to continue ophthalmic antibiotic drops to help heal it up. Once he was through the admitting process, he was placed in a divided tank with Draco Malfoy.


December 15th, 2018: Neville is doing great! Though he was not eating well before being transferred here, he started eating a few days after admit. Neville is being pulled biweekly for antibiotic injections and is receiving eye medication to treat the abrasion in his right eye.


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