neaq: Shark Week Takeover by @BrianSkerry | Close-up of a mako...

neaq: Shark Week Takeover by @BrianSkerry | Close-up of a mako…



Shark Week Takeover by @BrianSkerry | Close-up of a mako shark in the waters off New Zealand

Makos are one of the fastest fish in the sea, capable of bursts up to 60 mph, and of all shark species they have one of the largest brains, relative to body size. They are also an endothermic shark, meaning that they can generate heat within their bodies. This allows them to swim into cooler waters to feed on oily fish, giving them great strength and fueling their powerful muscles.

The numbers of makos have declined worldwide due to over fishing and the demand for shark fins. They are currently listed as vulnerable.

To see more shark photos and read the stories behind them, follow @BrianSkerry .

And keep following our feed all week to keep up with Brian Skerry’s very sharky takeover! #takeover #sharks #sharkweek #sharkweek2018 #allsharksallthetime #newenglandaquarium


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