Michael Myers - South Carolina Aquarium

Michael Myers – South Carolina Aquarium


Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas)

Stranding Location: Garden City, SC
Arrival Date: 10/31/19
Age: Juvenile
Weight: 4.73 pounds

Case History

On October 31, 2019, Michael Myers was found on Halloween morning stranded on the shore near Garden City Pier. He was found by a beachgoer named Candy Colonna, who was out for an early morning walk when she noticed the turtle had a large, fresh laceration from the top of his neck to his left shoulder. She contacted the authorities and stayed with Michael Myers until Terry Graham, the Garden City/Surfside beach coordinator, and the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources transporter arrived. Candy and fellow Garden City turtle team member, Vicki Hardwick, then quickly transported the turtle to the Sea Turtle Care Center while trying to keep him still to prevent further blood loss from the fresh wound that impacted his jugular.


Upon arrival, Michael Myers became more active and began to bleed again. Dr. Shane Boylan and the team jumped into action to stop the bleeding with compression and bandages. Michael was sedated to prevent moving and further aggravating the wound. Unfortunately, any movement caused profuse bleeding, so further attempts to close the wound were not successful. The wound was packed with gel foam, bandages and a compression wrap to encourage clotting. The blood loss from the initial impact in the water and during the triage process was significant, so the goal is to get Michael Myers to a more stable point before any further wound care can be done.


November 15, 2019: On November 4, Michael Myers was started in a shallow water baby pool. While he was initially weak and inactive, he eventually perkedĀ up and began actively swimming in the tank with about a foot and a half of water. There have been no issues of further bleeding so far, and when he was offered a piece of fish, he ate it immediately. A week after he was admitted, Michael began to defecate large quantities of plastic and other marine debris. In just three days, he passed over 110 small pieces of hard sheet plastic and food packaging materials. That is a huge amount of foreign material for a juvenile turtle, who weighs less than five pounds, to have ingested. Michael Myers has endured a lot in his short life already, but he is proving to be a fighter!



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