Four For The Ocean - South Carolina Aquarium

Four For The Ocean – South Carolina Aquarium



Consider carbon friendly alternatives.

As emissions have increased, the ocean has become hotter, more acidic and less habitable for fish and wildlife. Reducing emissions is critical for the future of a healthy ocean. For transportation needs, turn off your engine and take a bike or a hike instead. Engage in energy efficient practices, like limiting light use indoors and encouraging an energy-free hour in your household.

When in doubt, look to the ocean as a source of inspiration. It’s not just a victim of climate change; it can serve as a powerful solution to the problem. Ocean-based climate solutions, like restoring and conserving natural habitats, curbing pollution and managing fisheries and other natural resources in sustainable ways, can be the answer.

Protect what you love.

Whether it’s water, wildlife, wild places or one another, we all play a part in supporting a healthy ocean. Become an advocate in areas that matter most to you. Stay informed on issues and current events. Spend time researching what’s happening on the Hill. Yes, the saying is cliché… but knowledge truly IS power.

Support sea turtle conservation.

Keeping beaches clean and pristine, turning off beach-facing lights at night and filling in holes in the sand are great ways to give sea turtles a flipper up during their annual nesting seasons. What also makes a difference is a visit to us! Ticket revenue supports our lifesaving efforts to save sea turtles, and you get to see the care in action as well.

Keep it free of debris.

We’re talking about actions big and small – they do add up! Shift your daily routine to reduce your reliance on single-use plastic and introduce reusable alternatives into your lifestyle. Participate in litter sweeps or plan your own. Be sure to log your data in the Litter-Free Digital Journal and become part of a community of dedicated citizen scientists!

You can also learn about legislation to stem it at the source, like the Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act, which addresses nurdle pollution. Nurdles are plastic pellets about the size of a pea; billions are created to be melted down and molded into plastic goods. Nurdles are small, making them hard to contain as they are transferred from one location to another, and buoyant, resulting in them washing up on beaches and coastlines. Sadly, they can also be confused for food and make their way into stomachs of sea turtles and other marine life.

The ocean has given so much to us; let’s give back to her. Commit to the #fourfortheocean. Will you take the plunge and participate?


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