Fawkes - South Carolina Aquarium

Fawkes – South Carolina Aquarium


Green (Chelonia mydas)

Stranding Location: Bulls Island, SC

Arrival Date: 7/10/18

Age: Juvenile

Weight: 5.4 kg (12.0 pounds)

Case History

This young juvenile green sea turtle was spotted floating near the dock on Bulls Island by Captain Lee Taylor. Being an experienced fishing guide, he knew right away that this turtle was in need of medical attention. Fawkes had an older boat-strike injury to the top of his shell and was unable to dive and swim away. Captain Lee Taylor got in contact with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) and coordinated to drop off the turtle at the Isle of Palms Marina. A short boat ride later and Fawkes was handed off to employees of Barrier Island Eco Tours who kept a watchful eye on him until SCDNR volunteer transporters, Mary Pringle and Barb Gobien, arrived. This dynamic duo has brought the Sea Turtle Care Center (STCC) multiple turtles this year and are no strangers to sea turtle conservation. Mary is the leader of the Island Turtle Team, and Barb Gobien is a member of the team and a long-time Sea Turtle Care Center volunteer. Gratitude all around for people working together to help save sea turtles in South Carolina!


Fawkes received the VIP treatment as he was triaged by both our Chief and Associate Veterinarians, Dr. Shane Boylan and Dr. Bryan Vorbach. Upon admission, Fawkes wounds were assessed and flushed with sterile saline. He was given fluids, antibiotics and vitamins. The boat strike was already starting to heal, so Dr. Boylan speculates that it is a minimum of one to two weeks old. Fawkes has some use of his hind flippers, a promising sign as the strike goes over the vertebral scutes in two places,  just above the spine. A CT scan was taken, which revealed a tremendous amount of gastrointestinal gas. This would definitely explain the buoyancy disorder and inability to dive. It is possible that the strike is interfering with GI motility leading to ileus (buildup of food material) and creating a potential blockage. Fawkes received an enema in hopes of moving the GI contents along. He was later placed in very shallow water down in ICU.


July 12, 2018: Fawkes continues to rest comfortably in shallow water. We are currently holding off on feeding until a fecal is produced.  At which time we will start to slowly offer small amounts of fish and veggies.


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