Electric Blue Acara: The Complete Care Guide

Electric Blue Acara: The Complete Care Guide


While some fish have names that only indirectly represent them or names that might even be misguiding, this fish is everything the name indicates. They have a striking electric blue color that stands out no matter what other fish you keep in your tank, and it is one of the most stunning cichlids which is also surprisingly easy to keep. They require basic care that even a beginner can keep up with, and they are a beautiful addition to any freshwater tank

The electric blue acara, also known by its scientific name andinoacara pulcher hybrid, is a freshwater fish which relative – the blue acara, is native to Colombia, Venezuela, and other countries in South America. The electric blue acara is a man-made variation of the regular blue acara and it is a cichlid that belongs to the Cichlidae family.

Electric Blue Acara Basic Information

Just like with any fish, keeping them becomes so much easier if you have basic knowledge about the species, its needs, and its little quirks. Below is a quick introduction to the electric blue acara – a beautiful fish breed that will adjust to most aquarium waters with proper care.

Information Chart Electric Blue Acara
Care Level: Easy/Beginner
Temperament: Peaceful
Color: Electric blue
Lifespan: 10 years
Size: 5 – 7 inches
Family Cichlidae
Diet: Omnivore
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Temperature: 73° – 86° Fahrenheit
Water Conditions: 0 – 10 KH and 6.0 – 7.2 pH
Tank Mate Compatibility Moderate

The thing that really stands out about the basic facts about this fish is how long it lives, and despite not being all that big – it can live for up to 10 years! This is quite a long time for a fish, as it might even outlive a large dog! Having an electric blue acara is a big responsibility, and you should always make sure you are willing to care for it throughout its whole life, as many pet stores are reluctant to accepting fully grown fish back.


This beautiful fish has an almost surreal glow to it, and the andinoacara pulcher is a natural show-stopper for anyone who wants a tank that stands out. It is a cichlid that is hardy enough to adjust well to changes in the environment, and it can live for a total of 10 years when kept in good condition. These swimmers are not new in the aquarium world and they have been kept in tanks for many years, but it seems like they might be experiencing a recent surge in popularity. More and more hobby aquarium owners are discovering this cichlid, and it is not hard to see where the attraction lies, as the acara electric blue is visually attractive and an easy-to-care-for fish.

It is a good fish for a beginner, as it has that stunning exotic look, peaceful nature, and due to being incredibly easy to care for. You can’t go wrong with an electric blue acara – they are big enough to draw attention to themselves but small enough to fit comfortably in an average 30-gallon freshwater tank.

Electric Blue Acara Appearance

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The iridescent electric blue color of the electric blue acara is one of the most beautiful colors that you can find on a freshwater aquarium fish, and the andinoacara pulcher body is also covered with stripes that can be anything from orange and brown to black and grey. The andinoacara pulcher cichlid has fins where those same colors can be found, and a dorsal fin that moves effortlessly as it swims through the water.

The shape of the body is somewhat oval, and it is a stocky fish that looks plump and robust. The spiny rays on the backs of their fins work as a protection against other more aggressive fish, and the dorsal fin is often (but not always) pointed. The electric blue acara is in many ways similar to other cichlids, such as the green terror cichlid, but is at the same time very unique in its color. You are unlikely to find any other breed that is as breathtakingly beautiful and at the same time so easy to care for, which is why the andinoacara pulcher is the pride and joy of many hobby aquarists and aquarium owners.

Electric Blue Acara Behavior

Cichlids are known for being somewhat aggressive when put in a tank with other fish, but the electric blue acara – despite being a cichlid – is an exception. It rarely presents aggressive behaviors and will almost always get along well with other fish of various sizes, but they will occasionally act territorial if there is not enough room for the number of (especially) male fish in the aquarium. This does not tend to be an issue and can generally be prevented by getting an aquarium that is the right size and enough plants and places for the fish to hide.

The electric blue acara is known for burrowing and digging in the material at the bottom of the aquarium, which can be quite entertaining to watch! They are social fish that are not prone to hiding, but the digging is especially intense when the electric blue acara is getting ready to breed. Other than that electric blue acara fish love to swim, and you will likely see your fish spending the day swimming around.

Tank Conditions (Size, Gallons)

The bottom of the aquarium where the blue andinoacara pulcher is meant to live should be covered with soft sand substrate, as this gives your electric blue acara fish a chance to dig without the risk of hurting themselves. Once that is done, it is time for plants! The blue andinoacara pulcher requires dense vegetation and plants it can hide among, and it is a good idea to go with either potted plants or plants that float on the surface and try to give the tank that cozy feel that a cichlid typically enjoys. Keep in mind that while the plants should be planted closely together to prevent a dense feeling, there should also be open space where the blue andinoacara pulcher cichlid can swim around freely, as this is a cichlid that enjoys being active.

You can also add large flat rocks (avoid sharp rocks that could accidentally hurt the electric blue acara) and driftwood, and the general idea should be to try and recreate the environment this fish lives in naturally. A pair of andinoacara pulcher needs a tank with at least 30 gallons of water, and the water temperature should be kept to 73° – 86° Fahrenheit for the cichlid to be comfortable. This can easily be controlled and checked using the appropriate type of thermometers.

A powerhead filter is also needed and you should try to make sure there is always a strong and steady water flow. You may also want to invest in thermometers to measure pH levels, temperature, and more, to keep up with any day to day changes in the tank. The electric blue acara is a very hardy fish and can survive changes in temperature and conditions that aren’t ideal, but you should still want to try and keep the appropriate temperature, a kH of 0 – 10, and 6.0 – 7.2 pH. When kept in a property conditioned tank, the electric blue acara can live for up to 10 years.

Maintenance and Care

Caring for blue andinoacara pulcher cichlids normally isn’t very hard, and the electric blue acara is one of the easiest fish to keep as it requires very little. This freshwater fish is resistant and adapts easily to new and changing conditions in the tank, but one thing you need to make sure of is that there is enough open space for the electric blue acara to swim. This cichlid loves to swim and to explore, and it won’t be happy unless it can do so freely. If you have more than one electric blue acara, you need more space and more water, so plan accordingly when you set up your tank.

One thing that is important for a cichlid like the electric blue acara is the water quality, and with that in mind, you always want to have a proper filter installed, and clean the tank accordingly. This is true for most fish, but the electric blue andinoacara pulcher is a cichlid that does not enjoy swimming around in dirty waters. Other than that, the electric blue andinoacara pulcher does a great job taking care of itself with some basic cichlid care needs provided for.

Food and Diet

Cichlids like the electric blue acara is omnivore but they do favor a meat-based diet that is high in protein. Feed a base of quality fish flakes, together with the occasional treat of bloodworms and other live food, and you can also treat your fish with vegetables like broccoli on special occasions. Feeding a diet that isn’t always the same will help keep your electric blue acara motivated, and prevent it from getting bored.

You may want to feed your electric blue acara 3-4 times per day, as this is a fish that tends to gulp down their food and eat very fast. It is better to split up the meals and feed multiple times a day, as this could also help prevent rivalry in the tank when all fish are trying to get a hold of food. Below is a list of good things to feed your electric blue acara, other than flakes (but it should not make up their whole diet):

No cichlid benefits from being overfed, so monitor how much food you feed every day to prevent your cichlid fish from overeating, as this could lead to a wide range of health problems. It is always recommended that you stick to feeding a quality brand fish food in order for your cichlid fish to stay healthy and for them to live a long life.

Electric Blue Acara Suitable Tank Mates

These fish are compatible with other fish as tank mates, and it is smart to place them with others of the same breed, or for their tank mates to be fish of a similar size and with peaceful personalities. Size matters, in this scenario, for the fish to live peacefully together. You don’t want to match them with much larger fish as they could become prey, and aggressive fish will just cause anxiety and disruption in the tank. Very small fish is also a bad idea as it could, unfortunately, be confused with live food.

The electric blue acara is not usually aggressive or territorial, but they might chase off other fish if they feel it is on their territory, or if it is breeding season. This can usually be avoided if you make sure there are enough live plants, rocks, and caves for them to hide among, so it all comes down to how you condition your freshwater tank. This is a cichlid that gets along with most fish, but you have to make sure the size of the tank is not too small for them all to live in harmony. The care you put into choosing tank mates will also determine how comfortable your fish will be living in it. The andinoacara pulcher is easy to care for, but just like any other fish – it has its preferences.

Breeding Electric Blue Acara

When the electric blue acara is between 8 and 10 months is when it is considered mature enough to breed, and they will usually find their ideal pair in the tank on their own. With this in mind, it is a good idea to have a group of electric blue acara fish to give them the freedom of choice, and when you know which pair to breed – you can move them over to a 20-gallon breeding tank. A cichlid like this has a very simple breeding process and breeding is quick and simple, but they do need a proper breeding environment.

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There should be fewer plants in the breeding tank, and you may want to opt for plants with larger leaves, along with substrate with larger grains. The temperature in a breeding tank should ideally be about 77 degrees Fahrenheit, and you will want to remove the adult fish once the spawning is completed to prevent them from eating their own fry. There may be a few things to think about when trying to breed the electric blue acara, but it doesn’t change the fact that the andinoacara pulcher is perhaps the easiest cichlid to breed.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

There are so many fun facts to know about the electric blue acara, or the andinoacara pulcher as it is also known as, and it is an addition to your aquarium that is easy to care for and also a joy to have there in the water. Below are some of the most common questions about the electric blue acara – a freshwater fish that is both stunningly beautiful and compatible with other fish.

How big do electric blue acaras get?

The size of an adult electric blue acara can vary, but they usually grow to be somewhere between five and seven inches.

What do you feed electric blue acara?

Electric blue acara fish are omnivores and can eat both live animals, plants, and vegetables, but they are closer to being carnivores than anything else. The best thing is to feed a balanced flake diet, with additional live food and vegetables.

Are electric blue cichlids aggressive?

It is rare for the electric blue acara to be aggressive, despite being a cichlid, and they never tend to display these types of

How fast do electric blue acaras grow?

Fish like the electric blue acara grows continuously throughout the first few months of its life, and it is usually considered fully grown in size by the time it is approximately 8-10 months old.


There are few fish as beautiful as this cichlid – the electric blue acara (andinoacara pulcher), with its iridescent blue body and a striking dorsal fin that runs all the way along its back. You never quite get used to it swimming around there in the tank, and the electric blue acara is also a fish that will stick around for a long time! They may live up until they are 10 years old, giving you plenty of time to enjoy the sight of this andinoacara pulcher cichlid.

While some cichlids are difficult to take care of, the electric blue acara is a great fish for beginners, as it requires a tank of average size, quite average care, and nothing out of the ordinary. Being able to care for a stunning fish like the electric blue acara is a great way to gain confidence as a hobby aquarist, so just make sure you have a tank that is not too small, a stable water temperature, appropriate tank mates and nutritious fish food, and the electric blue acara will soon be seen swimming happily in its tank.


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