Category: Fish
During our most recent monthly visit to Mr Su at the Bali Aquarich facility in North Bali, we were greeted by the cutest little juvenile tang we’ve ever seen. …
It’s been a minute since we’d come across a nice, unusual angelfish either in the form of a hybrid, an aberrant, or in the case of this new Koran …
Aquamarine Fukushima, Japan, 2008: While doing a pre-tour before the Shanghai 7th IAC (International Aquarium Congress), we discovered a fascinating biotope aquarium, in which a school of several thousand …
You heard about the recent breeding of Centropyge joculator as well as the Rock beauty (Holacanthus tricolor). But this is not the end of recent breeding announcements, as the …
The Antibes Marineland scored another captive breeding success, successfully raising the common and popular Pseudanthias squamipinnis, also known as the spotfin anthias. This achievement wasn’t the first time that …
Yellow tangs have piebalds, scopas tangs have koi variants, and now it seems that the highly desirable gem tang has its own variant called the Barcode gem tang. The …
Cirrhilabrus randalli is a species of fairy wrasse that was described as far back as 1995, but so far has been completely absent in the aquarium hobby until now. …
Solid Orange Coral Beauty Angelfish are a sort of ‘known’ rarity but that doesn’t make them any less spectacular when they do arise. This latest all orange Centropyge bispinosa comes …
The Psychedelic Frogfish (Histiophryne psychedelica) is one of the weirdest fish, ever found in the ocean and it is considered as the Holy Grail of Underwater Macro Photography. The …
The Spotted-Gill Cardinalfish, Ostorhinchus chrysopomus, is not the most sexy, exotic fish for us Reef Tank Keepers. But I will disagree with this statement for few reasons: cardinalfish are …