Abby the sea otter puts her snoot in close to the camera, blonde face hair and whiskers sticking out wildly as she sits on the tan rocky deck of the Sea Otter Exhibit at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. She has brown eyes, a big black nose, and her little teeth are just peeking out above her bottom lip.

Bon voyage, Abby!



After ten otterly pawsome years, Abby the sea otter is returning to SeaWorld San Diego, her first home after being rescued as a pup when she was three days old.

Abby the sea otter looks directly into the camera as she holds onto a red plastic floating puzzle-piece toy in the water of the Sea Otter Exhibit. There is a yellow firehose (also used as a toy) in the dark water around her threaded through the puzzle piece.ALT

Abby helped raise orphaned pups like herself and her love of playing with artificial kelp, taking ice baths and eating frozen clam pops made her a favorite with guests and Sea Otter Cam fans alike.

A portrait of Abby the sea otter floating on her back in the water. She has bright blonde fur all over her face that turns brunette as it reaches her chest, where her two little paws are gently resting up out of the water.ALT

Now retired from our surrogate program, Abby’s move will give her lots of time for relaxocean, and help us make space for a fourth surrogate sea otter mom in the future. We’ll miss her, but know her move will help in the long-term recovery of California’s sea otter population.

📷1️⃣: Thanks to Sea Otter Aquarist extraotternaire Jess for the pawfect photo of Abby!


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