🚨 Hey Tumblr—We need your kelp! 🚨

🚨 Hey Tumblr—We need your kelp! 🚨


The Monterey Bay Aquarium is here for you — and for the ocean — during the coronavirus crisis. But it’s hitting us hard in many ways and we need your help, right now, to come back strong. Please urge your congressional representatives to support emergency relief funding for us and other nonprofit aquariums, zoos and museums!

Under normal circumstances, visitor revenue makes much of what we do possible, including our exceptional day-to-day care of over 80,000 animals and plants, our rescue and rehabilitation of stranded sea otters, and our work to tackle the greatest threats to the health of our ocean planet. But our ability to continue this vital work is uncertain due to the unprecedented loss of revenue during our closure. 


We look forward to the day we can welcome you back to the Aquarium in person, and continue building the world our children—and all of us—deserve. Until then, you can help us by asking your congressional representatives to support emergency funding for nonprofit aquariums, zoos and museums in the next relief bill. Thanks for your conseaderocean! 


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