Yoshi | South Carolina Aquarium

Yoshi | South Carolina Aquarium


Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii)

Stranding Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
Arrival Date: 6/23/23
Age: Juvenile
Weight: 3.18 kg (6.99 lbs)

Case History

Yoshi was caught by an angler on the Myrtle Beach State Park Fishing Pier. Fortunately, the hook was superficially caught in the beak and fell out on its own when the turtle was brought up in a net onto the pier. Yoshi was thin and dehydrated, with numerous abrasions and wounds with exposed bone on their shell. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) therefore determined that the turtle should be be transported to the Sea Turtle Care Center™ for further assessment.


Yoshi was radiographed and given a full medical exam by our vet staff upon arrival. The wounds on their carapace and the abrasions and bruising on their plastron were assessed and treated topically. The radiographs showed a large amount of crab shell throughout the patient’s digestive tract. Staff will monitor the defecations to make sure there is not an impaction. Yoshi’s bloodwork was relatively unremarkable and the turtle was alert and active. Yoshi was treated with antibiotics, fluids and vitamins and tested in a full tank the ICU. The patient looked strong enough to leave in water overnight and will be offered a couple of pieces of fish tomorrow.


Yoshi was one active turtle throughout the night and into the next day. It wasn’t until later the second day that they finally slowed down and rested on the bottom. The patient had already started to pass a good amount of crab shell overnight, so we offered a couple pieces of fish and shrimp to see if the turtle would show interest in eating yet. With Yoshi actively swimming around the tank, it took some time to notice the food, but eventually the turtle was hungry and curious enough to explore and slowly eat all of the pieces offered! Staff will continue to offer a couple pieces for the next few days to ensure that Yoshi is adjusting well before increasing to a weighted diet. We are sure Yoshi will be gobbling down large amounts of food in no time!



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