A green sea turtle swims across a blue background with its flippers spread out appearing slightly like a superhero flying across the sky.

We think that’s pretty turtle-rific!



They may not be teenagers… 🌊 (sea turtles live to be 50+ years old) 

They’re definitely not mutants… 🐢 (they’ve existed for over 100 million years, mostly unchanged)

They don’t even eat pizza… 🍕🍕 (depending on the species, seagrass, jellies, squid, or sponges are more likely to be on their menu)

But these heroes in a half shell have some serious turtle power! 🐢 💪In fact, sea turtles are critical to maintaining the health of the seagrass beds and coral reefs where they live. 

When green sea turtles graze on seagrass, they increase the productivity and nutrient density of the blades. Similarly, by munching on sponges, hawksbill turtles provide space on reefs for corals to grow.

We think that’s pretty turtle-rific!


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