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The new scraper in stainless steel and much more at Two Little Fishies booth


I have always loved Julian Sprung’s Two Little Fishies because it’s clear that behind the brand there is passion and a desire to share from the founder, Julian.

At Interzoo 2022 Two Little Fishies showed several interesting products, and some of them made us think… why hadn’t this been thought of sooner?

Before presenting the products I want to share something. While I was at the exhibition I bought “Algae – A Problem Solver Guide” by Julian, and the introduction is something special: “I wrote this book because I got tired of answering all the people who asked me what to do to eradicate algae in the aquarium“. I believe this shows Julian’s peculiar irony, but also the passion that led him to create the most useful tools. At this Interzoo the biggest news was the alga eraser, an algae scraper. I brought it home and I couldn’t believe my eyes. A pure spectacle.

And now let’s see the news from Two Little Fishies!

Two Little Fishies’s booth at Interzoo 2022 in our video

Before you go on, we leave you to our video so that you can see the booth in action. Click on the link and you’ll be directly sent to the part about Two Little Fishies, but you can also watch the rest of it. The video is in Italian, you only have to turn the English subs on! Enjoy!

As we said the biggest news of the 2022 is the stainless steel scraper. It’s for both marine and freshwater aquariums. I don’t know if anyone already thought of that, but I have never heard of one, and I really loved it. The biggest advantage is that it’s extremely rigid and it allows to you to use more force on the glass or the acrylic to remove the algae. It also comes with a razor blade in plastic, both for acrylic and glass aquariums, and two blades with different thicknesses, one more suitable for coral algae and the other more versatile.

The Alga Eraser in stainless steel

I bought the longer Alga Eraser and brought it home. We’ll have the time to do a proper review, but for now I can say it’s amazing.

Detail of the new Alga Eraser in stainless steel

It’s not cheap, because of the material, but I think it’s one of those few tools for which the word “forever” can make sense. I think we all should have something similar for the maintenance of our aquariums.

The fluidized bed filter Phosban

When we talked about objects designed with passion I was also thinking about Two Little Fishies’ fluidized bed filter, the Phosban. Many of us have used a fluidized bed filter for antiphosphate resins, and we have always had to deal with enormous tools. Well, Julian proposed his own Phosban, a small filter…

The Phosban fluidized bed filter by Two Little Fishies at their booth at Interzoo 2022

…which is available in an even smaller version.

small fluidized bed filter
The Phosban small fluidized bed filter by Two Little Fishies at their booth at Interzoo 2022

In the following pictures you can see the detail of the water diffuser in the filter, it isn’t released through holes from the bottom to top, but is channeled through circular trails.

According to Julian, this helps a lot in fluidizing the media inside the filter. I like the useful idea of having a smaller sized filter.

The books

Julian Sprung dedicating the book to DaniReef in his own booth at Two Little Fishies at Interzoo 2022

We also stopped to purchase some of Julian Sprung‘s books, in particular the one against algae “Algae – A Problem Solver Guide“, and pictured above is Julian himself writing a dedication in our book. Thank you.

Julian Sprung dedicating his book to Simone in his Two Little Fishies booth at Interzoo 2022

And above is the book, with dedication, for Simone. Buying the books is one of the best choices you can do for your (and our) hobby. And Julian’s are terrific!

Synthetic rocks: Stax

We already talked about this at the previous Interzoo, but the Stax rocks are spectacular. The rocks are flats, porous, and built with oolitic limestone rocks. They’re ideal to build stratified rocks, both in marine and freshwater aquariums. But in this case pay attention to the calcium of the rocks that, subjected to an acidic pH, could release some in aquarium.

Two Little Fishies’ synthetic Stax rocks at Interzoo 2022

The rocks are really beautiful to see, they’re soft and give a great tactile feedback. They’re impliable and strong, it’s a brand that should be considered when you decide to set up your marine aquarium.

Stax synthetic rocks by Two Little Fishies at Interzoo 2022

Feeds for fish

Flake feeds by Two Little Fishies at Interzoo 2022

This isn’t a new product in a strict sense, but we never had the chance to talk about it! Two Little Fishies also produces a high quality flake feed for different fish breeds.

Flake feeds for fish by Two Little Fishies at Interzoo 2022

They’re available in cans of 30 grams or mini packages of 12 grams, I’d be very curious to try them.


For further information about the many products of Two Little Fishies here is the link of their official homepage. We also invite you to watch our videodocumentary about Interzoo 2022.

DaniReef with Julian Sprung at Two Little Fishies’ booth

[Translated by Agnese Poggi]


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