Animated image of construction workers slowly entering a tall metal frame into the waters of the Kelp Forest Exhibit from the top opening of the exhibit. The frame is supported with waits and ropes as some workers hold on tightly to the rope, while one worker on the left hand corner points to the frame and giving directions. Various railing and construction equipment are stationed around the construction workers. A watermark of the Monterey Bay Aquarium is located on the upper right hand corner of the animated image.

Sometimes even the heart of the Aquarium needs some love 💙!


Did you know that we recently renovated our iconic Kelp Forest Exhibit? This project was only possible through the support and involvement of the Aquarium community and partners over the span of three years!

Animated image of kelp in the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Kelp Forest Exhibit swaying gently. The kelp closer to the foreground is highlighted as the the rays of sunlight from above the exhibit give the kelp blades a golden glow. A few small orange fish slowly swim near and around the kelp blades. A watermark of the Monterey Bay Aquarium is located on the upper right hand corner of the animated image.ALT
Animated image of the Kelp Forest Exhibit with the view of the round window in the foreground and the tall windows of the exhibit in the background. George Peterson, the Aquarium’s Director of Dive Programs, and Scott Greenwald, the Aquarium’s Curator of Husbandry Projects, are stand on the far left side of the image looking up at the exhibit and point up. Closer to our view, on the right hand side, two leopard sharks enter and exit the round window as they swim in opposite directions and passing each other in a parallel line. A watermark of the Monterey Bay Aquarium is located on the upper right hand corner of the animated image.ALT
Animated image of two divers pushing a large metal frame away from the viewer and closer to the back wall of the exhibit. The divers push with their hands on the frame and diving fins pushing against the sandy floor of the exhibit. Around the divers and closer to the exhibit window, two small fish swim around and away from the construction equipment. A watermark of the Monterey Bay Aquarium is located on the upper right hand corner of the animated image.ALT

Swim over to our latest Youtube video to learn how we embarked on this challenge, completing the first ever underwater exhibition renovation in the industry!


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