January 2021 calendar

Saltwater Fish and Reef Invertebrates Calendars-Free to Download


The Holidays will be here before we know it. They’re already talking about supply chain issues causing delays, so you better shop early. But before you do, why not treat yourself to a free, no strings attached, downloadable calendar…or three…that you can print at home.

That’s right, no strings attached. You don’t have to sign up for anything or click anything unless you want to.

Take a look.

Reef aquarium calendar PDF–free download

This first, free calendar features 12-months of inspiring, beautiful reef aquarium systems. This is a PDF file on a Google Drive folder that you can print for yourself.

Get your free Reef Aquarium Calendar PDF

Free 2022 clownfish calendar

LPS corals calendar – print at home – free downlaod

SPS corals calendar – beautiful small polyp stony corals for 2022

Calendar 2 has

A Free Saltwater Fish Calendar for 2021

We all love to look at the fish in our saltwater aquariums. This monthly calendar is inspired by the beauty of these saltwater fish. Sharing the images below, so you can see for yourself if you want to download them.

If you don’t need to see them before you download and just need the files right away, you can follow these two links down:

Free 2022 Clownfish calendar download

2021 Saltwater fish and reef invertebrate camouflage calendar download 

If you’re like me and want to know what strings are attached, see here: (this is a joke)


January 2021 calendar

Starting the year off right with the world’s most popular fish. Who can resist those waddling clownfish in their anemones


Love is in the air…or…water…in February…Don’t you just love these two fish?


Spring is in the air (in the Northern Hemisphere, at least…sorry to my friends down South), time for some Spring Cleaning…showing off a few cleaner fish.


Hurray for the Easter Rabbit…fish…hurray…okay, that’s a stretch. And this is a non-denominational fish, hope you don’t mind.


The theme here for May, as you can see, is Triggerfish–aren’t they beautiful?


Check out these beauties!




Back to school season with some schooling (shoaling) fish. No wonder they’re so smart.


Halloween marks the end of October, a day where we get to pretend we are someone or something different, like this one dressed up like a Harlequin and these other two mimics.


My birthday is this month, just sayin’…so I just wanted to share one of my favorite pictures.


Time for Peppermint (Angelfish that is) and Christmas (wrasses)

Download this 2021 Saltwater Fish calendar for free

Do you like what you see here? Want a copy of your own? Sure thing, here’s the link to download:

Free saltwater fish 2021 Calendar PDF

No catches or strings attached. At least, none intended. The file is hosted on my Google Drive–it should be available there to anyone/everyone. But wait, there’s more…if you scroll down now…also for free…you can preview calendar option number two. I do ask that if you think you know someone who would enjoy it, you share this page with them. Thanks! If we collect a dollar from them, I’ll split it with you…no, just kidding. Free for them, too :).

Oh yeah, and one more disclaimer, as you exit the page, you may be prompted to join the Saltwater Aquarium Blog Newsletter community. That’s automated, happens on any page, no just this one. That’s also free to join, I would love it if you did join, but this is not a quid pro quo, no pressure to join. If you do decide to join that, you will get a free e-Book download and I’ll send you emails with info designed to help you build a better aquarium.

Free 2021 Reef fish and invertebrate camouflage calendar

The theme of this second calendar is reef camouflage–the intent is to show some of these beautiful sea creatures that blend in a bit with their surroundings. Enjoy





How cool is that?



Porcelain crab on an anemone




Longnose hawkfish


Garden eels (guess this is a fall garden)




Leafy sea dragon

Download this 2021 Saltwater fish and reef invertebrate camouflage calendar for free

Same drill as above, if you like what you see and you want your own copy, just click the download link below.

Free saltwater fish and reef invert camouflage 2021 Calendar PDF

Now that you got all the way to the bottom of the page, I’ll tell you the catch. No, I’m just kidding, still no catch. Geez…what’s a guy have to do to give away a free calendar download? If you can’t decide, here’s a link to the folder where both calendars are…exactly the same files…just in the same shared folder.

I have two walls, I need both calendars…please let me know when you will have one for walls 3 and 4 in my room!

Don’t leave just yet. You just got here

After your download, it would be awesome if you hung around a little. If it’s your first time here, let me share a few of the most popular articles for you to check out:

The Definitive Guide How to Set up a Saltwater Aquarium

All about Live Rock (the rocks…not the music)

9 Most Important Reef Tank Parameters

The Best Reef Aquarium Salt Mix

20 Most Popular Saltwater Fish

Isn’t that cool how the links tapered down in size…I did that accidentally. Hah! but now I love it.

The REAL Catch…

See that? Why are you still looking for a catch? You and I have to work this trust thing out.

Can you please share this page so others can get the free download too?

If you like it, please share this page with your friends or even people you moderately enjoy being around.



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