Sunrise over the waters of Monterey Bay with a sky that is a warm yellow color. In the background there are the mountains and clouds in the sky. At the forefront of the image a snowy egret balances on kelp fronds as it looks for small fish swimming at its feet.

People who get excited about sunrises,


People who get excited about sunrises,



A pink and orange sky at sunset over a rocky tidal zone in the ocean. The rocks appear dark in the waning light and the sunlight is shimmering off the ocean water.ALT

the moon…

Two white, translucent moon jellies fill the image against a blue background. Their feathery, wispy bells appear very delicate.ALT

a sky full of stars…

A beige and burnt orange colored basket star is in the center-right of the image with its many thin arms stretched out. Each arm has several smaller projections that are curled up into spirals. The basket star is perched on some dark colored rocks and is against a dark background.ALT

and deep connections…

A bluey-purple colored mauve stinger jelly floats against a dark background. Its center is a brighter pink color It has long thin tentacles coming off its bell and long, feathery looking oral arms.ALT

are our kind of people. ✨ 💙 🌊


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