noaasanctuaries: “As a biology student and someone who is...

noaasanctuaries: “As a biology student and someone who is…



“As a biology student and someone who is passionate about ocean conservation, I learn more and more of the negative trends in which our environment is heading. Sanctuaries give me hope that not all will be lost. Sanctuary waters are full of healthy marine life and incredibly beautiful ecosystems. Seeing how vibrant our ocean can be inspires me to be a better guest to this planet.“ 

– Savanna Mahn, constituent and legislative affairs volunteer intern, NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries 

What inspires you about the ocean? 

(Photo: Robert Schwemmer/NOAA) 

[Image description: A photo of a kelp forest in Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. Yellow-brown giant kelp waves in the current in the foreground on the left side of the picture. In the background on the right, hundreds of fish swim.]


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