NOAA Proposes a Ban on Importing & Exporting Banggai Cardinalfish in the United States


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has proposed 4(d) rule NOAA–NMFS–2023–0099 which would ban the import or export of the Banggai cardinalfish into and out of the United States regardless of its source.


credit: Wikimedia, Rickard Zerpe

What it means:

Banggai cardinalfish would no longer be available, even though those being imported into the U.S. are almost exclusively aquacultured. This is despite the fact that the aquarium trade recognized the plight of the Banggai cardinalfish over a decade ago and worked to establish aquaculture facilities to provide these beautiful and hearty fish that peacefully coexist with tankmates.

What you can do:

Send a letter to NOAA expressing your belief that the proposed 4(d) rule should not be adopted.
o Use some of the points we have provided below, as well as your own opinions, to write your letter expressing your opposition to the proposed rule.

o To submit your comments, go to and fill in the required information along with your comments.

Share this with others in the trade and the hobby that believe we should contribute to the conservation of this fish by encouraging sustainable harvest and aquaculture.
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