The long, sleek, silvery body of a scalloped hammerhead shark swims against an eerily dark blue background.

Next time you’re playing a game of hide and seek, manifest your inner hammerhead shark to win!



Fun fact: Hammerhead sharks are exceptional at playing hide-and-sea-k. 🙈🏃

A hammerhead’s eyes are located at the extreme ends of its very wide head — giving it a fintastic field of vision. They can see above, below, and even behind them! 👀

If that wasn’t enough of an advantage, they also have special electroreceptors (called ampullae of Lorenzini) that can sense weak electrical fields created by the muscular movements of prey — even one as invisible as the beating heart of an animal hidden in the sand. 

Next time you’re playing a game of hide and seek, manifest your inner hammerhead shark to win!


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