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MASNA Posthumously Honors Two Seminal Aquarists


Amarna letters

Each year MASNA recognizes individuals who have stepped forward in unique ways to promote successful aquarium keeping, whether that be through club support, research, publishing, or general community building. This year marks a distinct and poignant moment in the annual awards. In our vibrant, close-knit community, we have recently bid farewell to two remarkable and deeply influential people. MASNA is honored to celebrate the legacies of these two instrumental leaders, who made extraordinary contributions in driving the progress and development of this science, art, hobby, and industry that has captivated us all.


MASNA Honors Jake Adams as the 2023 MASNA Award Recipient

Jake Adams has been chosen to receive the 2023 MASNA Award. His passion for aquarium keeping was obvious to anyone who met him or watched one of his videos. He had a natural talent and a keen eye for interesting species. His dedication to the hobby was evidenced by his commitment to referencing detailed information. His influence was felt in every corner of the community, which makes Jake the perfect addition to the list of MASNA Award winners.


MASNA Recognizes James Lawrence with the Pioneer Award for Publishing

James Lawrence has been chosen to receive the 2023 MASNA Pioneer Award for Publishing. His trailblazing work publishing countless articles and books for the enjoyment and educational benefit of the community has impacted us all. He carried this torch for decades, in most cases, longer than many of us have been involved in aquarium keeping. The knowledge he so eloquently shared had a deep and profound impact on the success of anyone who was fortunate enough to come in contact with it.


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