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Marine Biology, Oceanography and Underwater Robots


If you love whales, aquariums, and underwater volcanoes, and you also love to watch everything that swims, crawls, or moves in the sea, then this is the area of science for you.

This new online class is not only going to teach your kids about underwater life and the physical ocean elements, but also provide your kids with a hands-on experience of what it’s really like to be a marine biologist.

Kids learn how to study the creatures that live in the sea in their natural environment by building scientific instruments that marine biologists use in the field, including a live-cell microscope and underwater ROV robot in addition to exploring erupting chemical volcanoes, and so much more!

This class is ideal for kids ages 7-14 (older if they have not studied Marine Biology before).

The class is on Tuesday, March 1, at 10:00 AM and at 3:00 PM.

For more information and to register, visit the website HERE


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