Manchego | South Carolina Aquarium

Manchego | South Carolina Aquarium


Kemp’s Ridley (Lepidochelys kempii)

Stranding Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
Arrival Date: 8/10/23
Age: Juvenile
Sex: Unknown
Weight: 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs)

Case History

Manchego was accidentally caught by hook and line on the Myrtle Beach State Park Fishing Pier. The fisherman and state park rangers were able to safely secure the hooked sea turtle and notify the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR). SCDNR coordinated the transportation efforts to get Manchego to the South Carolina Aquarium for careful hook removal and treatment assessment.


Manchego arrived quite active, very warm and had an extremely rapid heart rate. A large fishing hook was visible from the left side of the mouth. Manchego also has an old, partially healed propeller wound on her/his right side. The radiographs showed that the lungs were most likely unaffected as they were both fully inflated and symmetrical. The wound was cleaned with an antiseptic solution.

Due to the turtle’s high body temperature and heart rate, vet staff were concerned with sedating the patient for hook removal. Irregular body temperatures and heart rate can cause the mediations to be metabolized differently, making them unreliable for the procedure. Luckily, the hook was superficial and staff were able to flatten the barb. This meant that the hook could be quickly and easily removed. This was key in the patient’s triage because it was important to get her/him in water to begin to cool down gradually. Manchego received fluids, vitamins and antibiotics following the procedure and was tested in a half-full tank of water. S/he did great adjusting to the new environment almost immediately, swimming levelly in the water column and taking good strong breaths. The water temperature was perfect to help slowly lower Manchego’s body temperature overnight.


August 20, 2023: In the following days, Manchego was bright and active in behavior. Staff were able to assess the little turtle’s appetite and pain level by offering a small amount of food. S/he passed with flying colors and is now eating what we consider a normal diet! Manchego has been doing well at adjusting to her/his tank and has even started receiving enrichment!



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