Long Awaited, Dreaded Updates, and Recapping 2023


This is something that I dreaded doing but I felt that it’s important to be transparent and talk about both the good and the bad- life isn’t always rainbows and butterflies, and how we deal with the hardships is important, so here is the update about my ELOS dream build. This should also explain why I missed several industry events and shows shows this year, and wasn’t as present on social media outlets. Despite all the bad things happening in my life, there were many positive things that came from this year as well, and looking back, I am so grateful for the opportunities and for all the amazing people around me that always support me and lift me up to do more and better. As the new year comes in, I want us to not only have resolutions for the upcoming year but reflect on our blessings and be grateful for all the good things that happened to us. Thank you for watching the video. I truly appreciate every one of you that watches and enjoys my content. Happy New Year and I wish everyone an amazing 2024.


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