We’re really been enjoying checking out all your aquariums on Instagram including this LPS masterpiece which popped up under #reefbuilders. We reached out to Kevin aka Yaboikevin42 to learn more about his tanks and to get a few tips on how he keeps these LPS corals looking their bests.
Kevin has two tanks, the main display is an Elos 120XL LPS masterpiece and the smaller tank is a Mr. aqua 65 gallon anemone tank. Both tanks are plumbed together to create a total water volume of 200 gallons.
The larger LPS display features many uniquely colored Goniopora and Euphyllia torch corals. With the flow turned on these long polyp corals dance in the current.
In the back of the tank are some equally beautiful SPS Acropora and of course, no reef tank would be complete without some fancy zoanthids. He also mentioned he has over 30 anemones between the two tanks!
Kevin said “My goal is to keep things simple and reduce the possible points of failure. So I will likely add some equipment as needed, but I tend not to try the trendier fads. Keep it simple and keep it natural, using no reef keeping controllers of any kind.”
General Maintenance: Testing manually using Hanna and Salifert kits (weekly) 10%-15% Water changes every 2 weeks. He mentioned this is where you need to stay consistent, water changes do not only export PO4 and NO3, it also replenishes trace elements and lower contaminants.
He mentioned getting the flow right for the tank was the trickiest part. He had to find the sweet spot when adjusting the powerheads so SPS got good flow and LPS received substantially less.

One of the key features that caught our attention in the main display was the long extended torch coral tentacles. We asked for a few tips about what Kevin has been doing to get these results.
Kevin’s tips for Torch Corals: Elevated nutrient with nitrate around 5-10ppm is the sweet spot to keep the fat and extended. Medium to high par 200-250 to keep the rich and dense (My torches are getting the same par my next SPS.)
Equipement Specs:
Tanks: Elos 120XL ( 47.2″ x 31.5″ x 19.5″): Main display. Mr. aqua 65 gallons (47.24:x17.72″x17.72″): Nem tank plumbed to display total volume: ~200 gallons
Lighting: 120g Display: Custom ATI Sunpower T5HO with Nanobox LEDsReefbrite XHO Blue’s Nem tank:3x Radion XR15W G4’s
Flow: Display: 1x Icecap gyre 3k2x Vortech MP10qd’s1x Nero 5
Nem tank: 2x Jebao wavemakers
Water Parameters: Phosphate: 0.10ppm-0.15ppm, Nitrate: 15-20ppm
Alk: 8.0-8.3dkh, Calcium: 390-410ppm, Magnesium: 1300ish
Dosing: B-ionic 2 part A and B via a doser, Potassium Phosphate (I like to keep my nutrients on the higher side, that seems to color up my lps and softies pretty well) Sodium Nitrate
Filtrations:Reef octo essence 130Chaeto Refugium (main nutrient exporter)

Do you have a tank we should feature? Keep tagging #reefbuilders or @reefbuilders in your Instagram stories for a chance to be featured.
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