A silver and gray spotted harbor seal bonds with her silver and gray spotted pup by kissing the pup

It’s the most pupperful time of the year!


March through May is harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) pupping season and we’re lucky enough to have a seal rookery—a nursery for moms and pups—right in our backyard at Hopkins Beach.

Pups stay with their mothers for the first 4-6 weeks of their life. During this crucial bonding time, the pups learn to swim and forage before being weaned and venturing out on their own.


⚠ PSA ⚠ (Public Seal Announcement)

🏝️Give them space and share the shore. Please keep your distance and always remember to stay at least 100 yards away. 

❌🤳To minimize stress on our blubbery buddies during an already stressful time (new parents out there, you know what’s up), remember to keep the area quiet, and (sorry!) no sealfies with seals. 

💙Come on down to the bay and explore the wonder that is harbor seal pupping season.


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