How to Feed Neon Tetras?

How Often to Feed Neon Tetras


Neon Tetra is a beautiful freshwater fish. They come in vibrant blue shades, which will beautify your aquarium. One of the most important things you can do to maintain your neon tetras healthy and living is feed them. It’s also important to know how much you should provide the neon tetras, as an improper feeding schedule might harm your pet. 

Knowing your neon tetras can aid you in determining how frequently or when to feed them. This will increase their overall health.

The Tetra fish is a freshwater fish native to Brazil, Peru, and Colombia. The vertical color stripes on these fish differ, with red being one of the most prevalent. The color of their dorsal surface usually is blue-black, whereas the color of their belly is silvery.

Tetras’ red stripes and blue backsides turn silver as they sleep, amazing. This occurs primarily at night and is merely a hint that your aquarium mates are taking a break. Tetra fish are endangered as a result of their isolation. To maintain a tank suitable for these fish, you must keep them in a school. They also like the companionship of many other fish species but double-check when putting your tetras in a tank. Tetra fish typically reach a length of around 2 inches. There isn’t much that separates the male and female.

Now that you have an idea about the Neon Tetras let us look at how you can feed them and how often to feed them.

How to Feed Neon Tetras?

There are several steps that you will need to follow several steps when feeding your Neon Tetra. It may look like an easy task, but you need to be very careful when feeding them. You can follow the following steps: 

Step 1: Putting the food in the tank 

Make sure that you put the food in the tank in tiny amounts. It is not advisable to put a lot of food together in the tank in one go. We recommend putting the food in the tank in the morning. Remember to keep track of how much food you’re putting into the tank, as this will help you not add too much food. 

Step 2: Watch the neon tetras eat and pour in as they finish. 

It is always good to keep an eye on the Neon Tetras eating the food when it is being given to them. Once you start pouring in the food, they will start eating it. You can also pour in more food as they go on eating. You need to make sure that all your Neon Tetras are getting the food, are eating well, and that no one is being left out. This is crucial because the Neon Tetra is mid to top-level schooling fish. If the food falls to the bottom of the tank, the Tetras will find it impossible to eat it. This will create a leftover food problem which can make the tank dirty. It is always better to keep feeding them till they stop eating. 

Step 3: Feeding your Neon Tetras at night 

Feeding your Neon Tetras at night is extremely important. Just like we need food at night to survive, they too need daily feeding at night to stay healthy. At night, all you have to do is follow the similar feeding pattern mentioned above. Ensure that you are not overfeeding your Tetras. 

How Much Food Does a Neon Tetra Need?

How Much Food Does a Neon Tetra Need?

The Neon Tetras are known to be opportunistic feeders in their natural environment. However, their food intake mainly depends on how much food you feed them. Your Tetras will need a good amount of food given to them two to four times daily. However, ensure that the food is provided to them little by little. Provide them with the amount of food that they can eat in under two minutes. Giving them more food than required will make them sick and will trouble their daily activities. If you find any excess food in the tank, make sure that it has been cleared to keep the tank clean and safe. 

How Long Can Neon Tetras Go Without Food?

You might have wondered how long can your Neon Tetra go without food. When planning a holiday or anticipating an unexpected trip, this is a common concern for all Neon Tetra owners. The most important thing to remember is that your filters aren’t up to par  if you don’t have any live plants. Neon Tetras can survive for up to a week, typically. However, if your fish tank’s circumstances are suitable for Neon Tetras, they can live for up to three weeks. 

The most essential thing to remember is that as long as your fish tank’s water quality is acceptable, your Neon Tetras will have a greater chance of surviving your absence. As a result, if at all feasible, execute a 50-70 percent water change just before you depart. Alternatively, you can clean the filtration system a few days before you leave, allowing the water to rebuild the good bacteria in the fish tank slowly.

Furthermore, on occasions that you are not at home, your Neon Tetras may depend on living plants as their primary food source. As a result, ensuring that your fish tank is well-stocked with live plants ought to be a significant priority!

Furthermore, you must know what plants you have to guarantee that they do not perish while you are away. If they’re limited-maintenance plants like Java Fern, Anubias, and other low-maintenance plants, they’ll need sunshine or LED lights for at least 5 hours and up to 8-10 hours to develop and stay healthy.

If you are still anxious about the well-being of your Neon Tetras while you are away, you can invest in an automatic feeder or weekend feeders which will feed your fish on the days you are not at home. 

How Do You Know If Neon Tetras Are Hungry?

Neon Tetras, like all other creatures, Neon Tetras require food to exist. They need nutrition, proteins, vitamins, and those carbohydrates. Because the Tetras in your home aquarium are restricted to a small area and have exposure to what you offer them, you must feed them the proper quantity.

So, how can you tell if your Neon Tetra is hungry or not?

The most common signs are as follows:

  • Your Neon Tetras may be hunting for food if they’re floating in places they don’t typically go. Your Neon Tetras are likely hungry if they’re rummaging about in the substrate looking for anything. Tetras that forage but don’t usually forage or that investigate the bottom of the tank but don’t typically check the bottom of the tank are both signs of hunger.
  • If your Neon Tetra seems sluggish or lethargic, it could be because you haven’t fed it enough for a long time.
  • It’s possible that your Tetras are hungry if they’re waiting near the top of the tank
  • Hunger might also manifest itself in sudden behavioral changes 
  • Hunger is indicated by significant weight/size variations in your Neon Tetras

If you notice any of these signs, your Neon Tetras are hungry, and it is time for you to feed them!

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Can You Overfeed Tetras?

Can You Overfeed Tetras?

The consequences of overfeeding your Neon Tetras may not be immediately apparent. You shouldn’t have to fear over fish exploding due to overeating since it’s a myth. Overfeeding, on the other hand, overfeeding is linked to a variety of health issues.

Several Neon Tetras have been known to suffer fatty liver disease. Overfeeding can strain your fish, and the negative consequences on the aquatic system will have an impact on your fish’s health.

Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate produced by uneaten food might be detrimental to your pet. If you do overfeed, use a siphon or a net to eliminate the food scraps as soon as possible. You risk changing the biochemistry of the tank water if you do not discard the surplus food. Nitrite and ammonia concentrations can rise, while oxygen and pH levels can fall to dangerously low levels. These by-products can obscure the water, cause an algal growth, or promote mold or planaria to spread uncontrollably.

Food Routine for Neon Tetras

Diet for Young Tetras vs Diet For Adult Neon Tetras

Young Tetras eats both animals and plants stuff since they are omnivores. Infusoria and green water are great foods for young tetras shortly after birth. This is because they consume mainly tiny foodstuff at that time. Later on, you can give live brine prawns, frozen bloodworms, freeze-dried daphnia, and commercialized flake food later on. Because young Tetras are omnivores, they require protein and fat in their diet to be robust and strong. You can also give them egg yolk because it contains proteins, fats, cholesterol, and other beneficial nutrients that can help your young Tetras. You can give this to them occasionally as a treat. 

Adult Neon Tetras can be fed high-quality fish flakes supplemented with minerals and vitamins. Feed neon tetras fresh or frozen items like bloodworms, daphnia, tube fish, and brine shrimp several times in a week. To avoid your Neon Tetras from experiencing difficulties in ingesting live food, you can cut it into tiny bits. Ensure that your neon tetras are eating enough plant foods too. They should be fed algal wafers, grapes, cucumbers, and strawberries two to three times every week.

Neon Tetra Food

What they can eat?

As mentioned above, it is important to ensure that your Neon Tetras are being fed with nutritious and mineral-rich food. They can eat the following food:

Neon Tetras - What they can eat?
  • Shrimp in brine
  • Earthworm
  • Maggots
  • Daphnia
  • Frosted bloodworms
  • Fish Flakes
  • Tubifex Worms
  • Mysis Shrimp
  • Cucumbers
  • Brocolli 
  • Carrots
  • Potato 
  • Cabbage
  • Corn
  • Lettuce
  • Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • Egg Yolk
  • Beef

What they cannot eat?

Just like there are food that your Neon Tetras can eat, there are foods that your Neon Tetras cannot eat. Some kinds of food can be highly toxic for your Neon Tetras. Consuming these foods can be dangerous to their life as well as their health. They cannot eat the following food: 

  • Bread 
  • Oranges
  • Their own excreta 
  • Large chunks of food 

Some of The Suggested Food For Your Neon Tetras

Well, now that you know what to feed your Neon Tetras, are you wondering where you can buy these kinds of food. Read on! Because we have a list of top quality food that you can give your Neon Tetras. They are as follows: 

1. Tetra Tropical XL color granules

Tetra Tropical XL color granules

These tropical granules have a modest flow rate and thus are made for Tetras. They comprise the substances that can be given to the center of such a stream. The omega-3 fats concentration also aids in providing power for healthy fish development. This item is a fantastic choice since it is manufactured with a formula that contains sufficient vitamins to support the immunity system’s healthy functioning and nutrients. It includes biotin, which is thought to help Tetras maintain healthy functioning.

2. Hikari tropical semi-floating micro-granules

Hikari tropical semi-floating micro-granules

These feed the fish with vitamins and minerals. The reddish ones offer them with the proteins and amino acids they require to survive. Greens are also said to help with immunity and metabolism. These items are excellent for feeding your tropical fish since they include the vitamins they require to lead a good life. Nevertheless, there are just two aspects about this product that are inadequate: the container size is insufficient for use, and there is no labeling indicating that this meal is good for fish.

3. Fluval Bug Bites Granules for Tropical Fish

Fluval Bug Bites Granules for Tropical Fish

This meal has the potential to be an excellent food for your Tetra and its diet. These are all tasty enough for your buddieTetras to eat. You shouldn’t be concerned because they include material that aids in the growth of fish. Last but not least, the enormous scale of these pellets is too little for a few fish to see and consume straight away. Since they sink quicker, your fish may not always be able to ingest them immediately. It will eventually fall to the bottom of the tank.


Can Neon Tetras Eat Betta Food?

It is known that Neon Tetras are omnivores and Bettas are carnivores. Hence, you will be able to feed certain kinds of Betta foods to your Neon Tetras. Stick to giving high-quality fish flakes to your Neon Tetras. 

Can You Feed Neon Tetras Homemade Foods?

Yes, you can give your Tetras homemade foods. In addition to brine shrimp, micro worms, seafood, chicken, vegetables, and egg yolk, daphnia is the best homemade food for neon tetra.

Also Read: How to Tell if a Turtle is Dead Or Hibernating?


Your neon tetras will be happy and flourish in your aquarium if you feed them according to the instructions and suggestions mentioned in this guide. When it’s time to feed your Tetras, select high-quality food. Neon tetras are simple to maintain. However, If you observe that your current feeding schedule isn’t producing the desired outcomes, try making changes where necessary.


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