Hedwig - South Carolina Aquarium

Hedwig – South Carolina Aquarium


Loggerhead (Caretta caretta)

Stranding Location: Caper’s Inlet, SC

Arrival Date: 06/21/2018

Age: Juvenile

Weight: 29.4 kg (63 pounds)

Case History

Hedwig was found stranded in Caper’s Inlet, a remote area near Dewee’s Island, by Adrian Honeycutt and her kids Harrison, Harper and Hannah. They were visiting the Lowcountry all the way from Arizona! Hedwig was very lethargic and had a moderate epibiota load (barnacles, algae, etc.) on her shell. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) was contacted and volunteer transporters Mary Pringle and Barb Gobien met the Honeycutt Family at the Isle of Palms Marina. Barb and Mary safely transported this sick turtle to the South Carolina Aquarium Sea Turtle Care Center (STCC) for treatment.


When Hedwig was admitted, she had a moderate epibiota load, and she was lethargic and underweight. Our vet team deduced that she had the beginnings of debilitated turtle syndrome (DTS). Her blood work results showed that she was slightly anemic, but not as critical as some our former DTS patients, and that she was dehydrated. Fluids were administered, along with some vitamins to help aid in rehydration. Hedwig was also started on an antibiotic regimen to help fight off any opportunistic infections that could arise due to her comprised immune system. Hedwig had enough energy to be placed in a shallow water tank in ICU. She did great overnight and ate immediately the next morning.

Adrian Honeycutt


June 28, 2018: Hedwig is settling in well with us and is eating like a champ! She is being pulled biweekly for antibiotic injections ,andwe are slowly increasing her diet and water depth as she gets stronger. She has also defecated a lot of blue crab parts, which is a good indication that her gastrointestinal tract is starting to heal and return to normal function.


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