Gruyere | South Carolina Aquarium

Gruyere | South Carolina Aquarium


Loggerhead (Caretta caretta)

Stranding Location: Cape Cod, MA
Arrival Date: 12/15/23
Age: Juvenile
Sex: Unknown
Weight: 6.43 kg (14.15 lbs)

Case History

This turtle is one of many that stranded up in the New England area due to cold stunning. New England Aquarium (NEAQ) treats hundreds of sea turtles during a just few months throughout the winter. This year we were able to take five of these turtles to help lighten their load, at least a little. This turtle originally stranded in Cape Cod, Massachusetts on November 30, 2023. We coordinated with NEAQ, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the non-profit organization Turtles Fly Too to transfer these patients to the Aquarium. Pilot Andy Davidson and his wife Karie flew Gruyere, and the others, to Charleston on December 15!


Upon arrival at SCA, Gruyere was a model patient. S/he was alert, calm, had a strong heart rate, and was breathing often! Even though they were good breaths, we could tell that they sounded a little raspy. This was on par with the results of diagnostic imagining from NEAQ, indicating that this little loggerhead sea turtle had a severe case of pneumonia. Thankfully, the rest of Gruyere’s exam did not reveal any other major problems. After a blood sample, ultrasound, receiving antibiotics and fluids, Gruyere was placed in a full tank of water. To no surprise, this patient did very well and adjusted to this new temporary home quickly!


December 20th, 2023: During Gruyere’s first several days in the Sea Turtle Care Center™ we’ve made great strides. Gruyere has a big appetite and is eating everything we offer and is defecating regularly! The other day this little one received a CT scan that confirmed that the pneumonia is severe, but antibiotics should help clear this up. Check back in the new year for more progress reports on Gruyere!



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