Gorgonzola | South Carolina Aquarium

Gorgonzola | South Carolina Aquarium


Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii)

Stranding Location: Garden City, SC
Arrival Date: 5/12/23
Age: Juvenile
Weight: 2.06 kg (4.54 lbs)

Case History

Gorgonzola was caught by an angler at the Garden City Fishing Pier in Horry County. The pier staff quickly responded by supporting the turtle with a dip net onto the pier, leaving a foot of line connected to the hook and securing it to the turtle South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) was contacted, and they dispatched the Garden City Turtle Team to transport the turtle to the Sea Turtle Care Center™ for hook removal.


Upon intake, the hook was clearly visible on the left side of the mouth, piercing through the soft tissue behind the jaw. Radiographs were taken promptly to ensure there were no other hooks within the esophagus before continuing with hook removal. As the hook was easily accessible and the wound relatively superficial, we were confident that the hook could be removed without sedation. The patient was alert and calm as vet staff carefully removed the hook. Fluids, vitamins and antibiotics were administered to treat the jaw wound, as well as pain medication. In most other aspects, the patient was in good health, and we decided they would do great in a full tank in Zucker Family Sea Turtle Recovery™!


May 15, 2023: Gorgonzola is doing great! They are swimming actively and eating quickly! They have been offered a backscratcher, though they seem to be more interested in their window reflection. Gorgonzola will continue on antibiotics for the next couple weeks to ensure their jaw wound heals nicely. Come see our active little patient!



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