Chinese Algae Eater Care Guide

Chinese Algae Eater Care Guide


The rapid growth of algae is always a sign that the biological balance of the aquarium has been disturbed. The main causes are poor water quality, ill-fitting conditions, lack of micro and macro fertilizer elements. Algae mangers play a very important role in our aquarium for a balance in the ecosystem. The most effective way to use these aids is to add different types of algae to the aquarium. A combination of snails, shrimps and fish is the best. Fighting with algae is our daily concern, it is a major responsibility. The Chinese algae eater is a species of freshwater fish that is widespread in the waters of the rivers and lakes in Thailand. He prefers clean, flowing waters and stays in areas heavily populated by vegetation.

General description of the Chinese algae eater

This fish species is one with an elongated body, with a yellowish color, mustard, light brown on the back, and white on the ventral side. On the dorsal side, it has all sorts of small black spots starting from the bot to the base of the tail. There are no spots on the ventral side. At the top of the bronchi, there is a black, round, well-shaped skull. On the sides, on the median area, he has a small pattern of small spots, arranged in a zigzag form, starting from the eye area and ending at the base of the tail. It has an elongated butt that ends with a large mouth and with protruding and excessively large lips, compared to the rest of the body.

The Chinese algae eater is considered to be one of the best fish to combat algae in the aquarium because of the constant appetite for “green”, the very peaceful behavior towards both fellow humans and other fish, lack of appetite for plants and relatively small dimensions. CAEs are sociable fish and prefer groups of at least 5-6 individuals. They are energetic swimmers and need a large pool and a medium to very large plant density. They are very good fish for common aquariums, being peaceful even with small fish or shrimp species. He prefers very clear water to be sensitive to soil suspensions in water.

The swimmers are transparent with a yellow tint in the thorn area. The tail has the same color, but it is also sprinkled with small black spots. It has a V-shaped tail, very little accentuated. His eyes are black, with an annular, adjacent, golden area followed by another black one. There is also an albino variety of this species of fish.

Aquarium and water conditions

For good maintenance of these fish, you need an aquarium with a minimum volume of about 210 liters with a water temperature of between 24 and 28 ° C and a pH whose values do not exceed 6 – 8.5. They are a species of fish that can adapt to any environment or location where I put them. He appreciates very well something for the hiding place, which will lead to his poor viewing, because he will stay hidden all the time, and a dense underwater vegetation placed on the side and in the back of the aquarium.

Being a species of terrible and very aggressive fish over other specimens of its species, it is not advisable to keep more than one such fish at a volume of water of at least 100 liters. Some specimens, much older and much larger, are recognized as terrorizing an entire aquarium of fish. At maturity, a specimen of this species reaches a length of about 27 cm. The price of one piece of broiler varies between 2 – 3 euro, depending on the size, provenance and the shop where it is purchased.

Feeding of the Chinese algae eater

This species of fish is one that nourishes, mostly with algae, but also accepts live or flaky food. Some vegetable delicacies, such as small cucumber pieces, should be added occasionally in the aquarium. This fish has been successfully reproduced in captivity in fish breeders for consumption, and marketed in specialized markets. In captivity, in the aquarium, it has not been successfully breached or there are no such well-documented and well-known successes to the general public. These fish reach sexual maturity at a length of about 12 cm or even greater.

These fish eat algae, including red algae and any type of food that is found in commerce. It is very rare for them to eat aquarium plants, especially when they do not find any other plant food in the aquarium. CAE consumes the algae and when they reach maturity, but it seems that once mature they prefer to eat flakes.

Breeding behavior of the Chinese algae eater

These fish have not yet been reproduced in captivity, so all specimens are taken directly from nature. It seems like this is a fish that reproduces only in certain seasons, which is why it is not found in stores in certain periods.

In conclusion

Most aquarists are confronted at least once with the algae problem. Algae are needed in an aquarium, they help clean the water of the aquarium, oxygen the water, and can even be used as feed for juvenile fish for adult fish that feed on plant matter. But if the problem of algae gets out of control, the aquarium will have an unpleasant look, giving the impression of an unhealthy aquarium.

The Chinese algae eater is a very famous fish species for its attitude, especially at an early age because it is eating both filamentous and red algae. For this reason, it is very popular among aquarists. Unfortunately, sometimes these fish are placed in aquariums without their respect, they must be kept in small groups and in aquariums of at least 150 liters, they grow up to 27 cm.

It usually inhabits the area at the bottom of the rivers, but in the rainy season it moves into flooded forests. Feeds with algae, perifitone and phytoplankton.

It is a fish full of life, which loves life in the group, it is recommended a 200-liter aquarium for small groups. The aquarium must be covered because it tends to jump out of the water.


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