Chad Clayton of Reef Nutrition


During Reef A Palooza Orlando Chad Clayton of Reef Nutrition took the stage to educate folks about the importance of biodiversity – microscopic critters and their place in our aquariums as well as phytoplankton and other varieties of foods.

Tying the talk to aquaculture and captive breeding, his fascinating insight into breeding and raising a variety of different algae and animals with Reed Mariculture, he spoke to many hobbyists about the importance of biosecurity (amongst many different things) that are needed to get a aquaculture facility going and thriving.

Grab some drinks and snacks or if you are going on a car trip, put this on your car speakers and hear the one and only copegod in his full glory!

Comment down below on your thoughts and if you seed your tank with any phyto, pods or if you are going to start now.

Happy reefing!


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