Foods To Avoid For Your Goldfish

Can Goldfish Eat Bread? Know the Answer


Feeding bread to fish has been a tradition since long back. Among all the food items you find in the market, bread has been the oldest human food that they feed to their goldfishes. 

But there is an evident question, can goldfish eat bread? Can they digest it all? Is it good for their health? Of course, all of these questions are valid, and there have been numerous arguments both for and against them. Therefore, it is important to enlighten this topic with utmost clarity. 

The evident answer to all of these questions based upon numerous researches is that goldfish can eat chunks of bread, but they shouldn’t. It has been proven that bread can be harmful to them. It gives rise to swim bladder disease and digestive issues. 

It is an evident conclusion because not just bread but all other grains are prohibited from feeding your goldfish. Yes, there is a permissible way with which you can prefer feeding them bread or other grains. And that is by pre-soaking it! 

But there is more to this argument that you will know further in this article. By the end of this article, you will evidently realize what goldfish can eat and what they can’t! Every bit of the detail associated with goldfish’s basic diet and food habits is listed below. 

So, if you are a goldfish owner, then spare some valuable minutes to read it all! 

What Is The Most Common Type Of Food Goldfish Eat?

Goldfish eat almost everything they find around their tanks. If you drop breadcrumbs at them, then that won’t be spared at all. It won’t be their fault to eat it all and fall sick in the long run! It will be upon you, as you made it a habit of feeding your goldfish with only bread and no fish food. 

You do not want your goldfish to die out of intestinal problems. Therefore, bread should be the option only when you run out of fish food and not the primary pick. Moreover, the quantity you serve to the fish should be minimal.

Goldfish or any other fish have a very fragile life. And you ought to take care of them, as you took their responsibility. So, it is never a good idea to risk their health for the sake of food experiments. 

The simple and clear answer to the question you searched for was, ‘can goldfish eat bread?’ They should not!!! 

The Reason Behind Denying Bread For Goldfish

All bread types consist of yeast, and when your goldfish consumes it, the breadcrumbs start to expand within them. So it won’t be late when your goldfish will start to experience pain and will soon feel discomfort. 

A couple of health problems that your goldfish might suffer if you force them to eat bread as a primary habit. The problems that they might incur are:

1. Constipation & Indigestion

It is too difficult for the goldfish to digest breadcrumbs. Their digestive system is not as functional as that of humans. The intestine of your goldfish will start to bloat, and you will be able to notice it from the glass of your fish tank. 

As a result, it will become difficult for your goldfish to excrete and hence will suffer from constipation problems. If you witness any such symptom, then you should immediately give them fiber-rich healthy foods. 

The best option at the moment will be to feed peas (shelled), as it will heal the illness. And stop allowing them to eat bread for the time being and, if possible, end the habit forever. 

2. Swim Bladder Disorder or Problems

It is a very serious issue and is commonly found in goldfish that eat bread. The symptoms of this illness are bloating, swimming difficulty, and lethargic behavior. You will eventually observe in your fish tank that your goldfish is not active as it was before. And the reason might be the overconsumption of bread. 

You will often find your goldfish at the bottom of your tank, and the fishes will prefer to stay submerged as they cannot swim. Soon, they will stop eating and will only grab the uneaten food that reaches the bottom, as they won’t be able to swim their way to the top. 

The right way of treating this illness is to change the goldfish food. First, you must increase the fiber content in their diet. You must also prefer adding Epsom salt to the tank water for treating this condition of your goldfish. Add 2-3 teaspoons of Epsom salt for 5 gallons of tank water. 

The salt acts as a muscle relaxant, and it will help your goldfish excrete or poop to relax their body. With regular treatment, the fishes might heal themselves over time and back to their normal behavior. But the goldfish bread diet should be stopped completely. 

The list of vegetables and fruits that the goldfish can eat are:


  • Peas
  • Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Chard
  • Zucchini
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Pumpkin
  • Cabbage
  • Lima Beans
  • Cucumber
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Cauliflower


  • Grapes
  • Orange
  • Watermelon
  • Apple
  • Banana
  • Strawberries
  • Pears
  • Mangoes
  • Raspberries
  • Corn

Also Read: Can Goldfish Eat Bread?

Essential Nutrients For Goldfish

So far, you have clarity upon what you need to feed and what not to feed your goldfish. But, as promised, this article intends to wrap around everything that your goldfish needs to live a long & healthy aquatic life. And for that, you must know the type of nutrients they need. 

There is a varied vegetarian diet that you can prefer to help your goldfish grow fast and healthy. By knowing the nutrients they need, you can filter out the food that a young or adult goldfish should consume. The nutrients they need are:

1. Protein

Unlike other species of fish, goldfish demand a high protein-rich diet. In addition, as per research, small goldfish demand more protein than adult goldfish. So, when your goldfish is young or small, you must prepare their diet with around 45% of protein. 

If you have a grown-up goldfish, then you must restrict the protein content to 30% in their diet. For best results, you should keep in mind to safely feed plant protein to your goldfish. It is because they can digest it well in comparison to meat protein. 

2. Fats

The diet of a goldfish should also consist of around 5 to 10% fat. Some amounts of fat are good for goldfish, as they absorb it for optimal growth. Animal fat is good for them if it is served as prescribed. Plant-based lipids are not that great options for fulfilling the fat requirements of goldfish. 

3. Vitamins

Goldfish demand a proper diet with vitamins for their seamless growth, just like humans. Most of the vitamins you need to fulfill for your goldfish are Vitamin A, D, and K. Folic acid is also an essential nutrient for your fish. 

4. Minerals

Just like humans, Goldfish also need minerals, but in small quantities. It is not a problem, as they get all the minerals they need from the water they live in. So, you should not count on feeding them any mineral-rich food or diet options. 

What Human Food Can A Goldfish Eat?

What Human Food Can A Goldfish Eat?

Bread is a complete NO! Even if you plan to feed goldfish with bread, then it should be just in the case of emergency food needs. But still, it is advisable to avoid it at all costs! 

There is a humongous list of human food that goldfish can eat. You just need to know the right options, and you will be sure of their health and nutrition. 

You can feed green vegetables to your little goldfish, dancing around for food. Apart from that, you can also prefer giving them cooked & finely chopped carrots, beans, radish leaves, kale, turnip greens, and spinach. 

These are some of the healthy food options that will fulfill the nutrient needs of your goldfish and will also prevent health disorders. For example, you can make your goldfish eat lettuce and cooked peas. But remember that you should remove the skin of peas before you feed it to your goldfish. 

Try out chopped cucumber as well! It is also a healthy option for your goldfish to eat. Apart from that, some fruits are permissible fish food for your goldfish. The fruits that you can serve are grapes, apples, bananas, oranges, watermelons, and others. 

You only need to keep in mind to remove the apple’s skin and cut it into tiny pieces before feeding it to the goldfish. You can make your goldfish eat rice, but consider boiling it before you serve it. They love rice! 

So, these items might just be enough for you to stop feeding bread to your goldfish. But, on the other hand, if you are fond of giving your goldfish human foods, you have tons of options. Hence, you can omit your habit of feeding bread to them. 

What Animal Foods Can A Goldfish Eat?

Now that you are aware that bread is not preferable for your goldfish, it is time you should know what can be the right replacement or alternative to it. First of all, a goldfish bread diet should never be a primary option! Secondly, count on bread crumbs as a ‘LEAST PREFERED ALTERNATIVE’. 

When you have set up your mind with those facts, you can now know what you can feed your goldfish. But before that, you must know that they are omnivores and prefer to feed on plants, worms, insects, algae, snails, larvae, and other small fishes that they can fit in. 

The best thing to feed your goldfish is what they find in the wild, such as aquatic plants. In this way, you will have quite a lot of options to change their taste with varieties. Some of the evident options are pellets and flakes that are readily available at pet stores. 

To make it even more nutrient-rich for your goldfish, you can supplement it with live or regular fish food such as brine shrimp, earthworm, daphnia, and bloodworm. If you can make arrangements for live food, especially brine shrimp and daphnia, it would fulfill your fish’s protein needs. 

If not, you can prefer to feed your goldfish with lobster & crab meat on occasional instances. They are very much rich in protein, and too much of anything is bad for goldfishes. 

Foods To Avoid For Your Goldfish

Foods To Avoid For Your Goldfish

Now that you are aware of what you should feed your goldfish, it is time you should know what to avoid as well. The list below is the items that are harmful or unpreferable for your goldfish. 

The list doesn’t contain bread in it, as by now, you must have already made up your mind not to feed bread to your goldfish ever again. 

So, here are the options that you need to remove from your goldfish’s diet immediately:

1. Animal Fat

Any type of food that consists of animal fat is prohibited for your goldfish. This is because goldfishes are omnivorous beings, and they prefer to eat both animal & plant meat. But overfeeding animal fat to them might make it difficult for them to digest. As a result, they might suffer from the intestine disorder. 

2. Cereals & Grains

Grains are not suitable for feeding goldfish, and the same has been stated before in this article. They are not the form of natural food inclusions in a goldfish diet. Cooked rice is what is permissible, but not in high quantity or primary food source. 

Wheat flour, bread flour, corn, barley, whole wheat, and other such grains should be avoided. Just like that, you should also avoid feeding them cereals of any type. 

3. Crackers

Just like bread, crackers are also poor food options for your goldfish. You should strictly avoid feeding your goldfish with it, as it will result in swelling in their stomach. As a result, your goldfish can suffer from constipation or digestive problems and might lead to serious deformities. 

Feeding The Goldfish

After knowing all of the food & nutrient details, it is time for you to know how to feed your goldfish in the right manner. You can make your goldfish eat turtle food, fish food, live fish food, and even human food. But what is important is to adapt the right manner of feeding them. 

How To Feed Your Goldfish?

Therefore, first, you need to take some fish food and let it soak in a cup filled with aquarium water. Let it soak for around 2 to 5 minutes and then you can pour it into the fish tank. By adopting this method, you can be sure of eliminating the risk of the dry bladder in your goldfish.

How Often To Feed Your Goldfish? 

You should consider feeding your goldfish twice or thrice a day! At times, you should consider giving them tropical fish flakes, brine shrimp, frozen fish food, and other such items. 

If you don’t have plants in your aquarium, add fruits/vegetables to your fish diet to help them meet their fiber needs. 

How Much To Feed Your Goldfish?

Goldfishes might seem hungry at all times, and they will try to tempt you to feed them. But you need to avoid that temptation and serve them only that much amount of food that they can consume within 2 minutes. 

If they are taking more time to consume the given food, then you are probably overfeeding them! Hence, you can change your habit of feeding accordingly.

The thumb rule of feeding your goldfish is that you should serve them the food that equals the size of their eyes.

Signs Of Overfeeding The Fish

The signs of overfeeding the fish are:

  • Cloudy water
  • Fungus & Mold
  • Lowered Oxygen level
  • Increase of Algae in tank
  • Fluctuation in pH level
  • Rise of Ammonia level

What To Do If You Have Overfed Your Fish?

If you have overfed your goldfish, then the first thing you need to do is remove the uneaten food from the tank. Uneaten food will mix up with the water, or the goldfish might keep on eating them over time. 

Ways To Remove Uneaten Food From The Tank

The ways that you can adopt in order to remove the uneaten food from the fish tank are:

  • You can make a partial water change
  • You can use a fishnet
  • You can use a siphon
  • You can also prefer adding some tank mates, such as algae eating fish. 


Can I Feed Duckweed To My Fancy Goldfish?

Duckweed is a cheap plant and is easily available at pet stores. In addition, it is a healthy food alternative for goldfish of any type. So, go on with it. 

How Can I Soften The Green Peas For My Goldfish To Consume?

You must soften the green peas with the use of warm/boiled water or microwave before feeding them to your goldfish. 


So, you can finally conclude that bread is not adequate for goldfish. Instead, now you have many other options in line to help you stop the bread-feeding habit forever. Keep track of what your goldfish eats, and you will eventually be able to ensure a healthy and long life for your little pet.


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