Best Budget Doser in the Market?


This has been on my to do list for a bit but between personal and professional issues, time was very limited and this got shelved.

My desire to make sure that I give this product a proper, thorough review was high as I wanted to really showcase this product’s strength, and its full capabilities and its caveats. There are cheaper, high-quality options out there IF you can live without few features.

I always tell people to buy the right product the first time and save yourself money in the long run and these product gets my nod of approval and makes me excited to check out more of their lineup. Leave in the comment section down below your thoughts on this product and while you are commenting, let me ask you guys a question as I am curious to see what everyone thinks about this.

Is having a dedicated app a necessity for dosers and does it sway you away from units like this or does it affect your decision at all in purchasing a doser for your system?

Looking forward to your responses! Happy reefing everyone!


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