Awww, it’s a squidling learning to camouflage! 😍👶🦑Cephalopods...

Awww, it’s a squidling learning to camouflage! 😍👶🦑Cephalopods…


Awww, it’s a squidling learning to camouflage! 😍👶🦑

Cephalopods like squid use pigment sacs called chromatophores to change the color of their skin. Muscles attached to the sacs expand and contract, making the skin more or less sea-through.

In this video, you can see the chromatophores twitching, with the microscopic muscles pulling the chromatophores like small invisible ropes spreading out the colorful tarp of pigment within the skin.

Young squid hatch out of their eggs with chromatophores at the ready to hide from predators as they make their way into the wild blue yonder. Keep up the great work little cutethulhu!


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