Looking down upon the vigorous and chaotic motion of a large wave as it crashes over the rocks of the Great Tidepool at the back deck of the Monterey Bay Aquarium during high tide.

All hail the majestic king tides!



It’s that grand time of year when king tides rule the coast.

Today and tomorrow, and then again on January 21 and 22, 2023, the Monterey area will experience the highest high tides and the lowest low tides of the year. Over the course of the day today, coastal visitors can marvel at the dramatic change in the tides—from +6.91 ft. at 9:14 a.m. PT dropping down to -1.7 ft. at 4:52 p.m. PT—that’s an incredible tidal exchange of over eight and a half feet!

A calm, serene sunset scene along the Great Tidepool and back deck of the Monterey Bay Aquarium. The extremely low king tide unveils many rocky outcroppings normally covered by the sea, exposing their lush algae.ALT

Be shore to check the tide charts for tomorrow’s just-as-dramatic highs and lows if you plan on going on a seaside adventure—these extreme low tides make for terrific tidepooling.

Let the wave of emotions roll over as the king tides crash the coastline!


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