Albino Bristlenose Pleco

Albino Bristlenose Pleco Care and Breeding Guide


You may call it Albino Bushynose, Ancistrus dolichopterus or Bushynose Pleco. The Albino Bristlenose Pleco is found in the rivers of South America and happens to have the color version of the typical Bush Nose Pleco.


Albino Bristlenose Pleco is a mostly brown fish marked with light spots. They can blend in the shore and rock bottom thanks to their light-yellow or white appearance. Thanks to their whiskers on their mouth/nose it is a lot easier for them to find food. This species grows with a maximum size of 5 inches.

The simplistic mountain brook, where they actually live is filled with sand, rock scatter and flood tree rootstock. In general, the water that they thrive in is greatly oxygenated.

The albino bristlenose pleco can recognize food throughout the length of the rock-strewn substrate, even if the lighting conditions are poor and the food is not visible, it is visible for them. Their capability to find food in low visual range merged with their superpower to camouflage in the environment makes these species very lavish and interesting. As a very pliable and adaptable fish, the albino bristlenose pleco has no problem whatsoever to be taken from their natural and transferred into your community tank, become a great addition to your aquariums diversity.

Another interesting fact about the Albino Bristlenose Pleco is the difference in growth of their appendages between the males and the females. The length is more noticeable at the male fish! Also, the male Albino Bristlenose Pleco can be a little bit territorial with other males from its species!

Albino Bristlenose Pleco are more active at night but if you do a proper aquarium setup for their accommodation they will be active during the day also.


When Albino Bristlenose Pleco is its natural habitat, it feeds on small different crustaceans, decomposed plant natural matter and of course, all kinds of worms. As I said earlier, they are a very adaptable species, so they can rapidly get used to be eating commercial fish food like sinking wafers and pellets.

Do not worry about filtering the decomposed plant material in you aquarium, as the Albino Bristlenose Pleco will eat all of the leftovers. This fish is not a vegetarian so it will enjoy all of the meat it can possibly get like: brine shrimp, little water fleas and bloodworms; but it is best if you offer them meat in small quantities. It could also eat blanched spinach and other green vegetables.

Fish keepers must keep in mind that they are feeding fish who are eating from the bottom of the fishtank and you must be able to distribute their food in a way that the fish are accustomed to. For those types of fish who feed from the bottom, fish keepers have to be able to place the food lower in the aquarium, two or three times per week, so that the Albino Bristlenose Pleco can scavenge it as they do in their natural habitat. It is highly suggested that you make the right decisions about the frequency of their feeding based on the appearance of your fish and their health.


Breeding of the Albino Bristlenose Pleco is quite easy. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that they breed usually during the winter period. They are usually known for their general loneliness, but during reproduction, their attitude changes, so they become more easy-to-interact with.

When setting them up for spawning, it is recommended to pair them with 2 females for every male. The caverns or places of hiding that they generally use will be the place where they breed, so if you are planning to breed your Albino Bristlenose Plecos, keep this in mind while you set up your aquarium for them.

Changing the water by 50% will help them insure it is the perfect time for breeding.

Feeding them live high quality food will also have a great effect on them while they breed.

The minimum aquarium size where your Albino Bristlenose Pleco can breed is 30 gallons. The temperature should be around 73° – 85° F and with a pH value of 7 pH. The female places the eggs on pieces of driftwood, so make sure you distribute plenty of driftwood around the breeding tank. After the eggs are laid you will notice that the male fish is always around them, guarding its offspring.

The Albino Bristlenose Pleco fry will hatch in a maximum period of 10 days. After hatching, they have to be removed from the breeding tank and placed in a different aquarium. You should offer the fry mashed and fresh green vegetables.

Setting up the Aquarium

Being a large fish, you will need a large fish tank for the Albino Bristlenose Pleco. If you are keeping it along with other species, be mindful of the fact that the Albino Bristlenose Pleco has a large waste output for whom you will need either an even larger tank or a top of the line filtration system.

The general size for the Albino Bristlenose Plecos fish tank is 30 gallons or more.

If you want to achieve a healthy environment for your fish try planting some rapidly – growing plants and make sufficient space for swimming, making sure that your décor doesn’t suffocate their freedom in the aquarium. Placing some natural objects like driftwood mixed with stones makes them feel like they are in their natural river surroundings. Make sure you impart some hiding places to make their daily bases more interesting and stress-free, like creating some caverns on the bottom of the tank made out of rock and etc.

Interesting Facts about Albino Bristlenose Pleco

This species are extremely tranquil and strong. Their size makes them very optimal and manageable for your aquarium tank. They also control the spreading of algae, especially when they are younger. You can forget about leftover food in your community tank as they will eat all of it. Their appearance is not like any other fish out there, so they will contribute greatly in the physical diversity of your aquarium.


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