Hermione - South Carolina Aquarium

Hermione – South Carolina Aquarium


Loggerhead (Caretta caretta)

Stranding Location: Myrtle Beach, SC

Arrival Date: 06/29/18

Age: Sub-adult

Weight: 42.1 kg (93 pounds)

Case History

Hermione, a sub-adult loggerhead, was found floating about 30 feet offshore in the surf at Myrtle Beach, near 65th Avenue. After calling the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR), beach police waded out to bring the sea turtle onto the sand. Transporter Terry Graham and S.C.U.T.E volunteers Mari Armstrong and Madison Borck loaded up the injured turtle and drove her to the South Carolina Aquarium Sea Turtle Care Center (STCC) late Friday night.


Staff came in around 9 pm to begin the triaging process. Hermione has an old, severe predator attack wound on her right front flipper and is completely missing her left rear flipper, likely from the same predator attack. The wounds are old and necrotic, meaning most of the associated tissue is dead and Hermione is likely fighting a severe infection. Staff flushed the wounds really well, as they were covered in sand and other debris. Hermione was placed on fluids, given two different antibiotics and vitamins, and her wounds were treated with topical silver sulfadiazine cream. Silver has antimicrobial properties and is often used to treat wounds and severe burns. Hermione was placed on a wet dock (in a bin with foam and water) overnight to rest.


July 4, 2018: Hermione has been doing okay since admit. She is spending the majority of her day resting and not moving around too much. This is not all that surprising given the severity of her injuries. She is, however, eating very well which is a great sign! Hermione has been prescribed two separate antibiotics to fight the infection and staff have moved her to a tank with great filtration. Keeping Hermione in extremely clean water will help her flippers heal and ward off further infection and tissue necrosis.


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