Ma - South Carolina Aquarium

Ma – South Carolina Aquarium


Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas)

Stranding Location: Coffin Point Beach, Beaufort, SC
Arrival Date: 11/13/19
Age: Juvenile
Weight: 5.9 pounds

Case History

Ma was found washed up on the beach by a passerby on the first day of South Carolina’s annual cold snap. Winds were high as the cold air and rain moved into the Lowcountry, quickly lowering ocean surface temperatures causing Ma’s body temperature to dip below functioning levels. She was found with a body temp of about 52 degrees Fahrenheit. Keith Rossman, a South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) volunteer, responded to the call to rescue this little turtle. She was then transported to the South Carolina Aquarium by SCDNR staff member, Perry Fennell.


It is important that cold-stunned turtles be warmed up very slowly. So, Sea Turtle Care Center staff prepared a room for Ma where the temperature could be controlled to slowly increase through the night and next day. Ma was given a physical exam, bloodwork was drawn and her vitals were checked. Everything seemed to be within normal limits except that her blood sugar was low. We gave her fluids to help with that, antibiotics and injectable vitamins to give her a boost! She spent the night slowly warming up and resting.


November 15th, 2019: Ma has been doing well. After she warmed up enough, we were able to put her in water and she immediately began swimming around. She has already started eating which is a great sign! We collected a small fecal sample to analyze for any parasites. Fingers crossed this little cutie continues to do well!



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