
Help Bring Bula Buddies Book 2 to Life!


bula buddies With the success of the first Bula Buddies book under his belt, Walt Smith is hard at work on its sequel. The story has three main characters: an educated leader we call Simeon, a strong young lady called Heidi who has special skills, and Seeker… a courageous scout who is always on the lookout for danger and leads the way. The three companions start to notice changes taking place on their homeland reef and decide to embark on a dangerous journey across the South Pacific into unknown territory to find a better place to move their village. As the oceans are being destroyed by various environmental hazards, our children need to be aware of how the ocean ecosystem works. This book will educate children in an amusing way while they learn about our underwater environment. As we follow the story, we all get the chance to watch how the characters solve various problems that concern our oceans. But Walt is asking for our help with this project. He needs to raise $30,000 to pay for the amazing artists that will bring these characters, and this story, to life. To that end, he and his team have created a kickstarter page to receive donations (and offer some fantastic thank you gifts). For a pledge of $25 US or more, you will receive either Book 1 or Book 2 signed by the author with a personal note to you, a postcard from the Bula Buddies sent to you from Fiji and signed by the author, and a personal thank you note on their website. For a pledge of $280 or more, character artist paul Hernandez will make a drawing of you as a Bula Buddie sent on glossy 8 1/2 x 11 paper, and you’ll get Books 1&2 signed by the author with a personal note to you, as well as the post card and the personal thank you on their website. And if you pledge $3,000 or more, your Bula Buddies character will be included in the new book! You and a guest will also be invited to a special family-friendly dinner in Las Vegas, where you just may be asked to sign a few books yourself. There are only 6 of these rewards available, so hurry if this appeals to you! bula buddies Whenever you bring attention to problems that influence our planet and its environment people notice. This awareness eventually becomes a call to action. This book series is linked to the ADE Project which is a registered non-profit organization, both in Fiji and the USA, and a portion of every sale will go directly to ADE. Aquaculture Development for the Environment (ADE) is one of the largest Coral Reef Restoration projects in the world that has been doing amazing work since 1998 under Walt’sprivate company until ADE took over in 2011. For more about this, visit www.adeproject.org And for more information about the kickstarter and this project, visit https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bulabuddies/bula-buddies-a-childrens-book-of-underwater-advent


  Conservation, Science


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