Aquashella Dallas 2023 – Parwise


Data. More and more data is becoming available to us as years go by in our hobby and I am excited to share a product that many of us can benefit from.

Parwise is a product that shows the full spectrum of colors of your light source – DLI of your aquarium for 24 hours as well as PAR. The added benefit is this unit’s versatility; it calculates the immersion effect of water and can be used for plants outside of the water as well as saltwater aquariums and soon, freshwater aquariums.

Firmware revisions are done via the cloud, it’s an ever learning smart device that allows us to know more about our animals’ optimal spectral composition as well as PAR, and it gives us valuable data to share when we are trying to mimic someone’s success with certain type of corals.

Check out this last video from Aquashella Dallas and let me know what you think in the comment section down below!

Oh and be sure to check out the cool accessories from Fragtags that are available for this unit as well. Really well thought-out designs for many different applications!


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