Guide On Kids Friendly Fishes

10 Best Pet Fish For Kids: List of Kids Friendly Fishes


Many children adore animals. They will almost certainly desire a pet at some point. While cats and dogs require a lot of attention, fish require very little and take up very little of your time. Most fish are simple to care for. Therefore, children can get engaged and assist with their care. 

After you’ve opted to purchase the fish, you’ll need to determine which types to purchase. It will rely on several factors, including your fishing expertise and the types of fish your children enjoy. We’ve brought a list of the best pet fish for kids. Your kids will enjoy taking care of each of these popular fish.

10 Best Pet Fish For Kids

1. Guppies


Guppies are the first popular choice for starter aquariums. They are small and vividly colored. You would find that the number of guppies in your tank would grow quickly. It is because they breed too frequently. When they’re kept in the appropriate circumstances and fed with the right fish flakes, they’re a lot easier to care for.

Growth Rate

A Guppy takes around 12 months to grow to its adult size of 2 inches. In actuality, a Guppy grows at roughly 0.1 inches each month which makes it a slow-growing fish. 

Max Height

If it’s properly protected, it can tolerate extremely bad weather. The maximum height of a Guppy is around 2 inches. Although some Guppies can grow to 2.5 inches long, they are uncommon in the home aquarium.

Light Demands

These fish don’t want any special light. Sunlight would be enough for your Guppy.  You should make sure that your Guppy should get at least 8 and 10 hours of sunlight every day. 


Guppies are simple to keep and are excellent for novices. However, the fundamental fact is that kids can also keep these fish in their fish tanks.  

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2. Platy Fish

Platy Fish

Platies with a peaceful nature can be found in various hues. Some of them include red, blue, and black. They’re also frequently available in golden color, which is why they’re mistaken for goldfish. They’re also known as moonfish, and they’re quite active. Platy fish like having children; therefore, they give birth to hundreds of larvae at a time.

Growth Rate

A platyfish reaches full size within 5-6 months. Therefore, they have an extremely fast-growing rate. However, if your platyfish doesn’t get a good environment, they could suffer from serious diseases. Hence, its growth rate would also start decreasing.

Max Height

Platy fish can grow up to 7.6 centimeters in length (3 inches). Male wings are more pointed than female wings. Therefore, female platies are generally larger in comparison to male platies.

Light Demands

Platy fish aren’t often thought of as somewhat sensitive fish. As long as they receive natural light, they stay delighted and healthier. It also reduces the requirement of adding artificial lights to the tank. 


Platies are vibrant and tranquil fish. They’re ideal for kids. They are incredibly easy to look after. All they require is adequate water and nutritional food.

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3. Betta Fish

Betta Fish

The betta fish reigns supreme among early fish due to its bright color, tiny size, and easy maintenance. You can keep this fish alone in a tank of 5 gallons. And can also be kept with a group of other fish in a 10-gallon aquarium or bigger one.

Growth Rate

Betta fish attain their maximum size at around seven months of age. However, they can grow larger depending on their surroundings and care. Therefore, it is advised to provide them with a good environment to live in. 

Max Height

When the betta is fully grown, their typical length reaches around 2.25 inches (5.7 cm). A baby fish can attain a maximum height of up to 3 inches (7.6 cm) if kept under the appropriate conditions.

Light Demands

Betta fish has strict light demands. They prefer 9-12 hours of light and 11-16 hours of darkness. Therefore, we would advise you to make it a practice to turn off your fish tank lights before going to bed. If the baby betta is exposed to too much light, it can be highly annoying and distressing for him.


They are not much difficult to care for. Though the fish prefer to live in a 5-gallon tank, they do not require a big filter. What they require is only good lighting according to their preferences.  

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4. Goldfish


Goldfish come in a variety of forms, sizes, and colors. If they are properly cared for, they can have a long life. They can survive in various environments and are content on fish flakes which makes them quite easy to handle. That is why a goldfish would be one of the best part fish for your kid. 

Growth Rate

A goldfish’s typical annual growth rate is roughly one inch. In the first few months, baby goldfish develop quite quickly. Then, as they grow older, their rate of growth decreases. You can provide a good living environment to your goldfish for its quick growth. But keep in mind that you should always strive to give the best possible care to your fish.

Max Height

If you have a large tank, your goldfish can grow to be quite enormous. But the fish seldom exceed 6 inches in length (15 cm). However, if they are kept in large seas, they can attain up to 14 inches.

Light Demands

Goldfish dwell in chilly rivers, lakes, and streams in the wild, with consistent access to mild sunlight. Their light cycle in the tank should be similar to their natural surroundings. Therefore, you should provide at least 12 to 13 hours of mild light to your goldfish.


Goldfish aren’t that difficult to care for (especially fancy varieties). Therefore, your kid can think of keeping this fish in his fish tank.

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5. Blue-Green Chromis (Salt/Marine Water)

Blue Green Chromis

These amiable fish are commonly seen in the company of other species and groups. They are gorgeous and come in rich green and blue forms. However, they require brackish water tanks because they are native to the Indian Ocean. If you plan to keep this fish, it is advised to buy at least 3-4 Chromis as they prefer to be in groups.

Growth Rate

A blue-green Chromis attains a length of three to four inches when they are fully developed.

Max Height

This species’ adults can reach a maximum height of 10 centimeters (3.9 inches).

Light Demands

They don’t require any special illumination. However, the fishes can demand intense lighting if kept near-live coral.


Blue Green Reef Chromis is a strong fish that can survive for up to 15 years in a tank if provided with good water quality. In addition, its level of maintenance is easy to moderate. Therefore, this is a great choice for your kids.

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6. Angelfish

The Striking Angelfish stands out with its stunning form, distinctive wings, and lovely striped pattern. It is advised to keep them in a high vertical tank. Marble, zebra, koi, and curtain angelfish are common species. All of these beginner fish are hardy, easy to care for, and widely accessible at your local fish store. Therefore, it would be one of the best pet fish for your kid.

Growth Rate

In the initial stages, they develop quickly and attain a length of four inches within six months. But angelfish attain their maximum size within a year (or more).

Max Height

Angelfish can reach a height of 6-8 inches in captivity. If you want to provide them with excellent care, you should get a 55-gallon tank so that your angelfish can swim freely. If you keep changing the water and feeding your angelfish nutritional food, it can grow up to 10 inches. However, this is quite unusual.

Light Demands

Your angelfish would require 8 to 12 hours of constant light exposure every day. Any aquarium light that you can use to simulate the sun would suffice.


Angelfish require moderate care and attention. But they can be challenging for novices since they require a big tank, steady water conditions, and aggressive toward youngsters.

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7. Dwarf Gourami

Dwarf Gourami belongs to the family of Osfronemidae. It’s known as amniotic fluid, which pulls oxygen from the air. Dwarf Gourami occasionally comes to the surface to breathe. It is what your kids would enjoy. 

It is a stunning sight when these fish swim around the aquarium in general. But, on the other hand, a flat body with enormous wings and some spectacular colors surrounds them.

Growth Rate

Every species of dwarf gourami has a different growth rate. For example, some dwarf gourami grows faster, whereas some take a long time to search its maximum length. 

Max Height

Dwarf gourami can reach a maximum size of 4.5 inches. However, most of them only reach 3.5 inches. Male dwarf gourami can grow up to 3 inches tall in a domestic aquarium. Females are significantly smaller and attain 2.4 inches.

Light Demands

They require a large number of floating plants for cover and shade. Also, a low-level illumination to make them feel secure in the aquarium. 


Trichogaster lalius (dwarf gourami) is a popular species recognized for its beautiful blue color and peaceful disposition. This species thrives in community tanks and is quite easy to care for.

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8. Butterflyfish

Butterfly fish

Most people are familiar with butterflyfish, available in over 100 distinct color combinations. This fish has a unique look, with sharp spines that help when attacked. 

Growth Rate

Their growth rate is moderate. So the fishes don’t take a long time to attain their maximum size. 

Max Height

It grows to a maximum length of 12 cm and lives at water depths of 3 to 12 meters. But certain species, such as the Saddle Butterflyfish, can reach up to 30 centimeters.

Light Demands

African butterflyfish enjoy dim lighting environments. Therefore, if your aquarium is extremely gleaming, the fish will be sluggish for a longer period.


Some butterflyfish species are resilient and adapt well to tank living, while others are impossible to keep. Therefore, you should search about all species. 

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9. Barbs


Barbs bring a lively and action-packed element to your communal tank. The most common types are Tiger Barbus, Odessa Barbus, and Cherry Barbus. They can grow up to three to four inches (and bigger). Rasboras, tetras, and corridors would be good tank mates for your barb. However, tall fish like angelfish and beta fish should be avoided.

Growth Rate

The growth rate of your barbs or any aquarium fish is highly dependent on the tank’s characteristics such as pH level, hardness, temperature, space, and food. Barbs attain 0.5 inches within every six months. 

Max Height

Barbs can grow up to  7-10 centimeters long and 3-4 centimeters broad when kept in captivity. Although they are usually smaller, some can reach a maximum height of 13 cm.

Light Demands

Keep the hot water temperature in your barb tank, ranging from 75 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Along with meeting their light demands, it is important to maintain an ideal pH level. 6.0-8.0 is considered a favorable level of pH for your barb. As far as lighting is concerned, a simple aquarium hood light would be ideal for them.


Barbs are peaceful whose level of care that is easy to moderate. It means caring for them is moderate (not too easy and not too difficult).

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10. Bushynose Plecos

Bushynose Plecos

Plecos would help you to keep your aquarium clean. In addition, their care level is quite easy. These fish are also seen on the tank’s bottom or cleaning up rotten food. They also keep an eye on alligators from the sides. However, this fish prefers to remain hidden. Therefore, you are required to add some hiding spots for your bushy nose plecos. Nevertheless, they are quite popular as they can survive in various environments.  

Growth Rate

Most of your Bushynose Plecos would stay under one inch for the first three months. Then, they grow between two and three inches within four and six months. The Bushynose Plecos can take up to two years to attain its maximum size of 6 inches.

Max Height

The Bushynose Plecos is one of the tiniest catfish. Barely reaches up to the length of  3 to 5 inches. The maximum height they can achieve is 6 inches.

Light Demands

These fish don’t like too many lights. Therefore, they normally hide in plants. So the plecos spend their whole day hiding somewhere. But you can enhance the chances of their coming out by reducing the aquarium lights. Another thing you can do is you can add some floating plants that would help in blocking out some light.


These species are fairly tough. They work effectively in a wide range of tank environments. You would not face any difficulty in keeping until you provide a good living environment to your fish.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are Fish Good Pets For A 4-Year-Old Kid?

We would not advocate giving an ornamental fish as a present to a youngster under the age of ten. But unfortunately, we often underestimate the amount of attention a fish tank needs to develop and thrive. 

We must maintain several factors such as pH, nitrate, and nitrite levels according to the circumstances necessary for a fish. Unfortunately, all these factors are difficult to monitor for a youngster under ten. 

If you give a tank large enough for most fish (5-15 gallons), it will be tough for the youngster to change the water regularly without stressing the fish. When it comes to bowls, they aren’t particularly large to keep your fish.

Are Fish Good For Kids?

Yes, but also no. Looking after your fish, turtles, or lizards can provide experience keeping pets and learning what must be done to care for them. It would be sufficient for some children. However, fish, snakes, lizards, and turtles are unlikely to form bonds with their human caretakers. 

If your youngster prefers to snuggle a cat or go on outdoor adventures with a dog, a fish will not be a long-term companion. Much depends on the child’s age and demands and the family’s financial and infrastructure situation. 

But you should not put all the responsibility of caring for fish on your kids. It is advised to monitor the water conditions and the health of your fish from time to time.

Wrapping Up

It is a pleasant experience to involve youngsters in fish farming. They can learn a lot while having a good time. Hopefully, you’ve noticed certain fish that your children enjoy, or they’ve indicated their preferences. The above article has a list of ten excellent choices. 

If you want your children to be involved in their care, You’ll need some stringent kinds of fish that are easy to care for. Bright and colorful kinds will be highly popular among youngsters. Any of the above-listed you choose, it is apparent that the fish would glow the tank with its appearance. Most importantly, your kids and family would enjoy it.


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